Welcome Home

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Thanks for reading and supporting me. It's nice!


Y/n Is lurched forward and was driven to awaken from a lovely dream he couldn't remember. He looked around, Remembering he had entered the Truck belonging to an unknown group. The Truck jolted its passengers about as his eyes landed on the familiar face of Agenta, who sat opposite him.

The lady in question was staring at him with a blank look and raised eyebrow. His eyes darted to the watch on her wrist and noticed the time. Was it evening?! He had been asleep over 12 hours?!

His eyes darted back up to her face, and he noticed the amused glint in her glowing eyes. She must have seen the look of shock on his face. He decided to take another look around and observe the other passengers. 

Both Agenta and himself were sitting between at least a dozen armed guards. Soldiers? He wasn't sure, but they were all armed, that's for sure. Of course, he couldn't see their faces as they all wore helmets and visors, but he could easily guess a few races among them.

Halos were a big giveaway so that one was a Sankta. That one had wolf ears and a tail, so a Lupo, then? He could pretty much guess all the races by these features alone. 

Before he could continue studying his armed and faceless travel companions, Agenta decided she would speak. Did she even sleep herself? She hadn't just woken up. 

"I'm guessing you have questions?" Her voice is short and sharp.

"That's an understatement." He replies, making some armed guards sitting around them in the confined space chuckle.

Agenta looks at both rows of seated guards around Y/n and herself, glaring at them, Silencing them quickly. 

"Once we arrive, All will be clear, I assure you." 

"Arrive where?" He questions. 

She drops the glare and turns back to him with lidded eyes, giving him a faint smile "Home."

Once she said Home, Y/n's mind turned back to Rhodes Island, and Kal'tsits face appeared. He knew how he felt. He may only have been at Rhodes Island for a few months after waking, but he put the pieces together. Kal'tsit was his Ex-Wife. She tried to hide it, but he wasn't stupid. 

Y/n did not know what hurt more. That Kal'tsit hid it all from him or the fact she divorced him when he could not speak his piece on the matter. Didn't she need his signature? It was absent on the divorce papers. I guess she was free of him now. He knew they would meet again, but she would ask for his help next time. He will make sure of it.

While Y/n was sitting there for a few minutes thinking, he felt something in his pocket vibrate. He instinctively tried prying it out to look and only just now remembered he had his work phone. He thought he had left it behind. He looked at the screen to see dozens upon dozens of messages, emails and missed calls! 

Upon a closer look, he noticed many names, Kal'tsit, Amiya, Closure, Nearl, Silence... The list of names was unending. But, unsurprisingly, Kal'tsit was bombing his phone the hardest. So he decided to turn off his phone and pocket it for later. 

"Lady Agenta! We have arrived," Came a deep voice from an overhead speaker, catching everyone's attention. Everyone started grabbing their weapons and gear, ready to move. 

Y/n was about to speak up when Agenta grabbed a coat from a storage container under her seat and threw it at him. Catching it on instinct and saw it was a winter coat. 

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ