Ch-84 Saved Them

675 19 1

Those people are all injured and they are bleeding to varying degrees but still. But that's not the exact thing which attracted her attention but their will.

In those 8 people, 2 people are carrying 2 people on their back. Those people aree maybe unconscious so now they can't protect themselves but still their other friends helped them to save their lives, and more of it, at any cost, even to their own lives.

Lu Xi watched this scene for some time and in between many zombies also tried their claws towards her but they are all killed without any suspense.

Suddenly, she saw that one more person became so much injured that he is now looks almost dying but is still saying to other people to go away soon.

Don't know what it is but suddenly Lu Xi feeling a lot better and those irritability lessened a bit.

Lu axi is looking at the scene and saw that their situation is really doesn't look too good, but this time, when she saw this, her hesitation disappeared.

She came down from her car and released her consciousness power.

Many zombies by now noticed her too and many zombies in group came to her to attack her but Lu Xi just raised her eyes and looked at them.Dont know why but she felt a little excitement in her heart which she couldn't pinpoint it. She looked at those zombies who are coming towards her and then she covered those people in her consciousness cover area.

And then started her killing spree. There are almost more than 200 zombies so it was really not easy to kill all of them in one swing, she never did it before.

She released her consciousness power and aimed at a group of zombies, soon more than 10 zombies died and turned into ashes. She again focused on another group of zombies and in the same way killed them as before. Little by little, Lu Xi killed most of those zombies in a little time.

Those people also noticed the difference in situation. Before there were a lot of zombies but now there are looking a lot less zombies and they are really feeling a little less stress.

They can't see that barrier that Lu Xi casted on them so that they can be saved inside, so they all saw that a girl is standing there alone and she is really just standing there but those zombies are getting and getting less near her area.

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