124. Child's Play

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"You're okay with this, aren't you?" Hugo asked, suddenly nervous. He'd already changed my diaper and put me in a clean one, but it seemed something was causing him to have doubts now. And when he got nervous, I was a little unsure too. I'd just let him change me; and I hadn't even thought twice about it. I'd been too far into that baby mind thing to even realise it was unusual. Maybe that was why it felt different.

"Why?" I asked. "I mean... why do you ask? I didn't think about it before."

"Sorry, it's just... you kind of started blushing a little. And I wasn't sure if your grown-up thoughts were coming back. I don't want to do things that you're going to regret."

"No, it's... I mean, I'm kind of relieved you asked. But that made me feel a bit less... childlike, I guess. I'm fine with it. I'm still not sure about the hypnosis thing that makes me feel like a little baby, so I can't think or anything. But being pushed into acting like a baby, or treated like a baby by everyone around me... I don't know why that feels so good. Like something just seems right about it, if you know what I mean."

"Okay," he said. "So long as you're happy. Let's see if we can get your sister changed as well. And then see if there's something for you to play with."

Thankfully, Mum had already determined that Lindy's diaper didn't need changing yet; although she was clearly sulking about it. So the next thing to do was picking something to play with for the rest of the afternoon.

"We've not done beach toys this year," I pointed out. "I mean... when we were little, we always used to have them. Like, when we were really little, and we'd both get bored in the car going to the different attractions round here, and we weren't old enough for most of the museums."

"That's a good idea," Mum said with a smile, as Lindy stared in disbelief. "I'll have to see if I can find the key to the toy cupboard. I don't know if all that stuff is okay."

"It's open," I said. "Dad lost the key like... five years ago? But you can open that lock by twisting it the right way."

"I never actually knew that," Mum said. "I guess he always volunteered to get stuff out for you. And then the last few years, of course, you've not really been interested in those kinds of toys. You're grown up enough to swim and sunbathe, visit museums and jog along the beach, rather than building sandcastles. I wonder how many of them are still there. Or if the ravages of time have got to them while they've been abandoned."

"Mum!" I said with a groan. "It's not been that long. And I looked before, when I was hunting for a basketball. The beach ball is deflated, of course, and everything's covered in sand, but I think it's okay. Nothing that washing it off in the sea can't fix."

"I don't think you two are big enough to walk all the way to the sea by yourselves," Hugo suggested with a little chuckle. "The tide's all the way out now. But I'm sure we can find some water for you to play with." I blushed, but I was sure he could see how much I was smiling now. Lindy was pouting, though.

"We can't play outside!" she protested, once she was aware that all eyes were on her. "What if somebody sees? What if one of the neighbours walks past?"

"What if somebody tells Gabe that her sister is in diapers, you mean? Oh wait, you already did that. You said it's a fair punishment, and what Sally deserved for something she didn't even do. So... is it still fair?"

"We don't have to," I said. "I just thought it might be fun."

"You're too nice," Lindy said. "Yeah, I get it. I made you do all that stuff, and now I'm thinking it's way over the top now I'm on the other side. I should do it. So I can think about it before I do anything like that again. Like, I shouldn't just think about myself all the time."

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