106. Trusting the Babysitter

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This bonus chapter is posted for realliljennie, with thanks for all your support on Patreon. Thank you!

"Have you been good, girls?" Mum asked as she pushed the door open with her elbow, and then passed through with a shopping bag hanging on each arm. "I hope you've had a lot of fun while I was away."

"Umm..." Lindy stammered, and I was amazed how quickly she tossed my phone to the carpet and tried to pretend she hadn't been touching it. "Yeah, we watched TV and played some games. But I think the baby needs changing. And I'm not old enough to do that."

Mum stared at her for a couple of minutes, looking like she was trying to make a decision. I was still finding it hard to read the room as the grown-up thoughts started to filter back into my head.

"So," Mum said, then walked over and crouched beside me, giving me a little hug that made me feel all warm and safe. "My baby needs changing?" I wasn't expecting her hand to come around the back of my diaper and give it a little squeeze to check, and I squeaked in surprise. But Mum didn't seem to worry, and just kept on stroking my hair as she turned her head to talk to Lindy again: "Oh, looks like she really does need a change. Now, do you remember what I said before I left?"

"You said I'm in charge while you're away, and I should use the triggers to make Sally wet if she needs to go?"

"Lindy, you might be young, but I want to believe that you are not stupid. Yes, I said you can use the trigger phrase. That is a responsibility I trusted you with, because I know that Sally still gets embarrassed, and I didn't want her to be desperate and uncomfortable when I returned. But that is one of the trigger phrases. For all the other ones, the previous rules still apply. Now, what's the price if you say one of them without my permission?"

"I didn't!" Lindy protested, like she was really offended by the implication. "I swear, I only made her pee. And it was only just before you came back, when she really needed to go. I wouldn't do it for fun or anything. I mean... you can tell she's still in baby brain, or she was when you came in."

"You swear that's the whole truth? You made her pee once, and you didn't use any of the other ones at all?"


"So you're happy to spend one day as a baby like your sister for each trigger I hear when I play back the recording from the baby monitor?"

"No! Okay, maybe I said it, but I didn't think she'd do that. She never has before. But I didn't expect it to work. And besides, you would have said it later anyway. Come on, it's not fair to punish me for something you would have done."

"Linda, I gave you very clear rules. I'll allow you some leniency because you were honest with me this time. But I want you to understand that this hypnosis thing is very serious. That's taking away Sally's agency, and it is not something to play games with. You need to learn that. So... I think that you need some help understanding just what a big deal this is. Not a punishment as such, because you haven't caused any real harm. But I want you to understand how we are making her feel, so that you can have a better sense of when it is appropriate to do those things. Does that make sense? You can be a baby this afternoon, so you know what it feels like. Maybe just an hour. And then, I think, you might not expend so much effort trying to persuade me to make her punishment more severe. Is that something you will settle for, or would you rather I listen to the tape and decide what I think is a fair punishment after hearing the full context?"

"Context?" I mumbled, trying to follow the conversation. I was feeling a bit more grown-up now, but still helpless enough to feel warm and safe in Mommy's arms.

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