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"Mr Knight?" I called out his name still confused at seeing him here of all places and he was also glaring at us

"Lana what are you doing?" He hissed out as he glared at Ezra's hand around my shoulders

Feeling uncomfortable about my boss seeing me like this, I stepped out of his embrace with an apologetic smile

"I'm on a date sir" I answered professionally, that made him move his fixed glare from Ezra to me

"When did you leave work today Miss West?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me

My eyes widened because I knew that he found out I had left work before closing hours

"I- I left thirty minutes earlier sir" I answered honestly avoiding his eyes

"And who gave you permission to do so Miss West?" He asked me

I raised my eyes to his ready to defend myself "but sir, you did say I could reduce my workload. Plus Justin was there, I had already done all the important works and there wasn't much left, Justin has shown himself competent" I defended

He took a step closer to me

"Well he isn't all that competent because when I needed him to assist, he couldn't" he said

My eyes widened in surprise, I was very sure when I just vouched for Justin's competence. What work could Mr Knight have possibly given him that he couldn't handle?

"You need to come with me back to the office so we can finish up" he commanded

Immediately I heard that, I turned to look at Ezra who had patiently been studying us

"But sir, I'm on a date. Can we not finish up tomorrow? Working hours are over" I said trying to reason with him

"No we absolutely can not do it tomorrow. We are leaving now" he said taking my left hand and begins to drag me away

"But sir.." I said as I once more to argue

Taking my hands out of his, I looked back at Ezra whose eyes were narrowed at our moving figure

As he caught me looking at him, he immediately sent me a smile

"It's fine Lana, we can hang out some other time. I will call you" Ezra said to me

I gave him another apologetic smile, "thank you Ezra, don't forget to send the pictures too" I told him with a smile and he nodded his head with a similar smile

Atlas turned and glared at Ezra before turning to me one more

"Let's go" he said with a tone of finality

With a final wave at Ezra, I followed Atlas to his car

The ride had been very tensed with me cursing Atlas out in my head because I mean, what the hell was up with him?

It took a while for me to realize that the route he was taking was the one to my house and not the office

Infact we just drove right in front of my block.

I immediately turned to him confused

"I thought we were going to the office to work?" I asked confused

He took a quick glance at me before driving a bit to park the car well.

"Oh, we don't need to do any work. I forgot that, I already did it all" he said still avoiding my gaze

My confusion slowly melted into anger...

Did he just hear himself?

That was the fucking stupidest thing I heard the whole day

Not being able to contain my anger anymore, I glared at him

"What the fuck is wrong with you Atlas? You spoilt my date for something that you already did?" I yelled at him

He looked at me surprised that I yelled at him..

Note that in all my five years of working with him, I had never done that regardless of the many times I wanted to

His surprise soon changed into a glare equal to mine

"What's wrong with me?" He huffed then turned his piercing gray eyes to me

"You are what's wrong with me" he blurted out and I looked at him surprised

"I thought we had an understanding, fuck I thought we had established some sort of friendship and then one day you just up and decide to leave and expect me to just take it?" He hissed raking his hand through his dark hair

I never knew he was this affected by my decision to leave. He never showed it and I thought he was just fine

"And what was your reason to leave? You want to chase a dream and what? .. date and settle down?" He said like my reason was a joke to him and that hurt more than he knew

Before I could even say anything, he continued

"Guess what, I have a proposal for you. If you really want to date and do all that relationship shit, then why don't you do it with me?" He said looking at me

I narrowed my eyes at his words

Not only did he laugh at my dreams, he was also mocking me too?

My eyes began to water but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry

I opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car.

I wanted to walk away and be the bigger between two of us but you know what?

Fuck being the bigger person!

I turned around and bent to face him, "fuck you Atlas Knight. I'm so fucking happy that I would soon stop working for you, you might as well fire me now" I hissed stop him before slamming his expensive car door

It might as well fall from its hinges, I wouldn't fucking care

I heard his car door open but I didn't look back and continued to make my way to my building

"Lana wait, I'm sorry" he called out but I ignored him and walked into the building and only breathed a breath of relief when I noticed he didn't follow me

I let the tears I had been holding fall

He thought that my dreams and wants were foolish, I had expected that from any other person but him

I aggressively wiped my tears as I chose to use the stairs instead

Fuck what he thought.

In the long run I would have a partner who loved me and children who would take care of me in my old age and all he would have would be his work, since that was all he ever thought about

1092 words

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