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I remembered everything that had happened that night including her butterflies touches

But I had been to embrassed that she had heard me speaking about her not leaving in my subconsciousness... so the next day I had avoided her and only spoke to her when it only concerned business because that was the only time I could control my emotions

Lana had always looked out of me and whenever I was in a bad mood she'd find a way to find out what was wrong and try to suggest solutions and so this time I had been expecting her to do the same

But with the passing days she didn't rather she also stayed clear from me.. so my embarrassment turned to anger

I was angry because I thought that maybe all those times she looked out for me she purely did it because I was her boss and nothing more, and now she was leaving she no longer saw the need to care for me

No matter how childish it must sound to you, I craved her care and now I wasn't getting it.. I was grumpy

And worse of all I made the mistake of hiring a male as her replacement because I thought it would be a good change... but I had been wrong because now the little fucker was all over my woman... and she laughs at his stupid jokes

It had only been his first day and I hated him already for having Lana's attention that I wasn't getting

Lana was also determined to make it harder for me today with the way she was dressed... she had made extra efforts today and I wondered what was up and would have stylishly asked if weren't giving ourselves the cold shoulder


My Lana....she was a beauty.

With her dark hair straightened and falling down her back different from her usual ponytail look, she had put some eyeliner on today that accelerated her beautiful brown eyes.. she wore a puffed long sleeved blue body hug gown that stopped just above her knees

And lord did it take everything in me not to call her into my office and ravish her.

Her fat ass even looked bigger in the dress and her tits looked so full.. Just the sight of her gave me a hard on

I fucking wanted to taste her

She had caught me as I ogled her and out of embrassnent, I blocked the transparency of my glass walls

Fuck! I really needed to get it together

For the rest of the day, I remained in my office because I didn't know if I would be able to control myself if she continued to be in my sight

It was close to closing hours that I noticed how hungry I was.. because I had decided not to go out, I had unknowingly starved  myself

Not wanting to call Lana in and distract myself again, I decided to go get some snacks myself and get a smal glance of her

I was really beginning to worry that I was getting obsessed over her

As I walked out of my office and by her desk, I was surprised to see only Justin seated there

I paused and turned to look at her empty seat and then turned my gaze to the frail guy

He was standing upright, looking at me nervously.

"Where is Miss West?" I asked glaring down at him

His eyes widened and he began to fidget nervously.. "did you not hear me?" I asked starting to get a bit irritated

"S-s- she left early s-sir" he stuttered

I looked at him confused.. Lana left early?

She never does that, unless something important came up. I slowly began to get concerned about her

I took a step closer to him and watched as he shrinked back... I nearly huffed at how much of a scaredy-cat he was being

"Did she say where she was going?" I asked

He avoided my eyes immediately the question left my mouth... he obviously knew something

"Stop wasting my time and speak" I growled at him

"She- she went on a da-date" he stuttered out as he shook

Was I really that intimidating?

Then his words sank into my mind..

A date!!

I looked at him with widened eyes.. "where?" I asked him

He looked as though he was about to cry.. poor guy

"I-I don't know. I only know that it was  M-miss Elsa that set her up" he shakily said

I immediately marched to the team's office

They all stood to greet me, but I ignored eyes on one person

"Elsa.. see me in my office now" I said firmly and walked back the short distance to my office

She came in right after.. "I heard that you set Miss West on a date during working hours" I said accusingly

She immediately paled "n-no sir. I-it.."

She didn't get to finish because interrupted her.

"Where is this date?" I asked arcing my eyebrows at her

She hesitated at first but once she saw my glare she immediately gave me the address.

Telling her to leave, I picked up my suit jacket and car keys and left the building immediately

Could it be that everything Cameron had said was true?.. all of a sudden she was on a date?

I drive pass my speed limit to get to the address on time

And you can imagine my surprise when I got there to see some dude having his filthy arms around My Lana as they took pictures

The rage I felt in that moment was overwhelming

"Lana!" I called out and watched as she turned to look at me confused

Not thinking twice I matched up to them, all the while glaring at the man beside her

987 words

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Wanting LanaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora