Chapter 20 - Secrets

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Suddenly a hand snaked around her waist and pulled her which made her back collide with his chest.  She was taken aback for a moment and then sighed as ultimately in the morning they will be in this position only.  She heard him telling something like he will be sleeping in her chamber hereafter and instantly she fell asleep.


The next day, everyone bid farewell to the Royal family of Khurram and carried on with their works.  Oormila ordered the maids throw away the medicines already prepared and asked them to get new herbs to prepare medicines, as she was frustrated with no improvement in her condition.  After knowing this, Kalindi didn't mind anything as she felt it is not of any importance right now.  By dinner time, Abhyuday came to her chamber and both of them sat down to have their dinner.  There was a comfortable silence between them unlike the previous time where there was awkwardness or weariness.   After finishing their dinner and changed into their night wears in their own rooms, the husband and wife laid down on the bed in Kalindi's chamber.  This routine went on for a week and the one night, something different happened.

While both of them were on the bed, Abhyuday simply closed his eyes to sleep and Kalindi was staring at the ceiling.  Knowing that he won't sleep until she was pulled to his chest with his arms around her waist, Kalindi spoke, "Yuvraj! Why are you coming to my chamber nowadays?".  After a moment of silence, he replied, "Why would a husband come to his wife's chamber?".  She irritatedly told while still keeping her neutral face, which is becoming hard to keep up infront of him lately, "But you are not doing anything that a husband would do".  He smirked with his eyes still closed and said calmly, "So you want me to do something?  But what should I do?".  She was embarrassed after his question as she had a slip of tongue.  She did thought that he came to her chamber for having a baby but it has been a week already and apart from hugging her to sleep and pinching her waist sometimes, he wouldn't do anything else.  Especially after he had kissed her twice, Kalindi did expect him to take the next step in their relationship but thereafter he didn't even kiss her.  "I'm not complaining though", Kalindi thought to herself. He snapped his fingers in front of her face to bring her out of her thoughts.

She turned to look at him, only to see him looking at her.  She just turned her back to him making him chuckle lightly.  Kalindi don't know how she gets irritated so easily by him and his unfathomable actions when she had never shown slight irritation infront of her overly annoying step sister.  As usual they slept by hugging each other and their conversation left in the middle.   The next day, the Royal court was hearing the cases while Kalindi stood at the balcony to watch the proceedings as she doesn't have to hide her likes and dislikes before her husband and above all, as the Yuvrani of Rakshatra, she has the right to know the political matters.  It was not an odd thing though, after all the balcony in the Royal court was made for women only.  The minister read out the invitation for Conference of Princes which was sent by the hosting Kingdom, Krishakya.  The King's face was solemn but he composed himself within a fraction of second and instructed Yuvraj to prepare for leaving by next month. After that, nothing interesting happened in the court and everyone dispersed from there. 

Abhyuday came to Kalindi's chamber straight away from the court.  She was surprised that he came during daytime, as it is unusual.  As soon as he entered, all the maids left the room.  He said with his usual stern face, "Yuvrani, as you have heard, we need to leave by next month.  So prepare accordingly".  Kalindi was confused and asked, "But it is for the Princes so you should go.  Why me?".  Abhyuday thought about her words and then said after some realisation, "I forgot that Hridayapura is not a part of the conference and you might not know.  It's actually the Yuvraj and Yuvrani of the ten kingdoms lining the border of the vast sea will participate in the conference which happens every five years.  If not married then the Yuvraj can attend it by himself but after marriage, they should attend as couples only".   Kalindi nodded at him and then he proceeded to go out and stopped at the door.  She looked at him curiously and then he turned back to see her and said, "Krishakya is my maternal uncle's kingdom.  My grandmother will be eager to see you there.  I'm just giving you the information so that you won't be surprised when we go there".  Saying this he went away leaving her to her thoughts. 

Kalindi thought, "Why no one from Krishakya attended our wedding? Even my maternal uncle and his family attended the wedding".  Her questions were unanswered.  But remembering about her maternal family and her brother's marriage which would have completed yesterday, she decided to write a letter to each one of them, her father, mother and brother as well.  Once the letters were written, she gave it to Gopi and asked her to submit these to the people responsible.  Later in the evening, Lekha came back from outside the palace and said to Kalindi, "Yuvrani, I got something worthy today in the fair.  It is quite expensive but intriguing as well.  The fair will end in two days but this is only one piece so I didn't want to delay the time by coming to the palace and getting your permission.  I apologise for my acts, Yuvrani".  As soon as she finished her speech, Kalindi sighed and then said, "Lekha, I didn't object you or Rekha for addressing me as 'Yuvrani' because I know that there are some etiquettes which we should follow.  But these apologies are going overboard, given that we are more than just master and servants.  I have always viewed you both as my friends and even as sisters.  If you keep these formalities with me hereafter then I will simply marry you off as early as possible without letting you to serve me thereafter".  Lekha realized that the threat was not just bluffing like the last time.  So she simply said a sorry in a whisper and then Kalindi hugged her as a compromise. 

Later when the night came, as usual Yuvraj and Yuvrani were having their dinner together in her chamber.  While still having the dinner, Abhyuday asked, "When are you going to practice your skills?".  Kalindi looked up while her hand was about to put the piece of food into her mouth.  She saw that he was still eating without looking at her, so decided to eat the piece of food before answering him.  "I have never trained myself infront of many people publically.  Usually I go to the forest behind my room in hridayapura and self train myself with one of my maids looking out for anyone interrupting.  That's why the forest view behind this wing has attracted me immediately", Kalindi replied him, which made him to look up at her.  She was actually looking to her right, where the vast and extensive forest is visible for them as they were near the balcony door.  She continued still looking at the forest, "Infact the forest here is very vast and covers double the area as the one we had in hridayapura.  May be I can find some good place within the forest?".  Immediately he interrupted her with a "No" and then said, "The forest here is very dangerous than yours and that is the reason why we have the compound walls built around the Palace to such a height that even the trees will be hidden from view.  So it would be better if you keep yourself away from such troubles".  Kalindi looked at him and nodded with disappointment that the forest is forbidden and doesn't have any access to it.  Abhyuday sighed internally and said with the same indifferent tone, "Don't worry I will arrange for a good place for you to practice".  She agreed with him and then their dinner came to an end. The night went by as usual with his hands on her waist and the weight on her waist gradually became her habit.

Kalindi woke up first and unlike other days, their position is different today.  Instead of him back-hugging her, now they were in such a position where Kalindi slept on his chest with her hands around his body.  Listening to his calm heartbeat which is a striking contrast to hers, and confirming that he is still sleeping, She moved away from him without disturbing him and went to the bathroom.  As soon as the door closed, Abhyuday opened his eyes and looked at the closed door for a moment and smiled.  After sometime, she came inside the chamber again to complete her look with jewelleries and hairstyle.  He laid on the bed on his left side with his head propped up on his hand and looked at her, who was sitting infront of the dressing table.  She looked at his reflection in the mirror and their eyes met.  Immediately she looked away as her cheeks burned red due to the intensity of his gaze which made him chuckle.  Then he came out of the bed and came towards her with a smirk on his face.


Maharaj - King
Maharani - Queen
Yuvraj - Crown Prince
Yuvrani - Crown Princess
Bhabhi - sister-in-law
Shastrasala - Godown of weapons with practice arena
Gurudev - Teacher


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