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I like him

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I like him.

I think I like him a lot and I think that's a bad thing.

I don't want to say I was SO hurt with the teddy situation years ago, probably cause it wasn't anything crazy and I only liked him cause he liked me first.

Well, that's a lie the bitch was crazy but anyway.

But this is different I'm starting to like him first, at least I think I do.

I don't want to move bases.

I like chilling on first base, but a part of me wants something more.

Some motion to go on.

I know he would never do anything to purposely hurt me but I still find myself scared to move forward.

I wouldn't say we are talking but there's definitely a mutual pull.

But there are other girls.

There always is.

Sarah from his science always seems to flirt with him.

Hate her. And plus, what if he doesn't even feel the same way?

It's always the same thing with me, I like a boy and they don't like me back. I don't get it.

But all these girls can just snap their fingers and boys come running at them.

Not that's not what I want at all.

I just want him.

Warren, nothing more and nothing less. Just him.

Every time I'm around him these past few months my feelings for him only grow and that scares me as my fear of rejection goes along with it.

The worst part of it all is he is my best friend and I would truly do anything for him.

I'm scared of the real feeling starting.

If he finds out I like him and the feeling is not mutual and it ruins our friendship I don't know what I would do.

Friendship. Weird thing.

I feel like nobody talks enough about how much it sucks being an extrovert but having no friends.

Like of course I have Naomi and the crew and don't get me wrong I'm grateful for them and truly love them all, but outside of that that's it. They are all I have. My sister is a ghost in my life.

I don't talk to my parents a lot and I'm just here.

I feel alone.

Like I'm in a box screaming so loud constantly but nobody can hear me.


"LINNEA!" The fuck. "HURRY YOUR LITTLE ASS UP!" That's definitely Tyler.

"What?" I snap whipping open the door revealing like I predicted Tyler in his basketball jersey.

"Maeve found me and told me to come find you or she would shave my head in my sleep since you are performing in." He glances at a watch. "10 minutes."

"WHAT?!" It can't be ten minutes I haven't even marked the dance yet.

"What are you freaking out about your hair and stuff is all done you're fine" he places his hands on my shoulders. "You good?" He notices my stressed look. I nod. "You know you can tell me anything right? Sister to sister?" He shoves my arm a little. I laugh at that.

"Yes, I know Tyler."

"Good cause Warren is also freaking out and you might need to be the one to calm him down." He says at the speed of light.

"Where is he?" I only have a few minutes.

"Right there." He points just out the door I poke my head out the door to see Warren sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.

"Also Maeve didn't  need you and you have about 45 minutes." He pats my back walking away. Smug little bastard.

"Warren?" I slowly walk towards him. He shakes his head quickly in his hands.

"Hey, hey. It's okay Warren, you're alright." I rub my hand along his back sitting down in front of him.

"Warren, what's up? You have a game to play ya know." I poke his arm. He slowly lifts his head and he looks scared and worried.

My face softens and I pull him into a hug.

"I can't do it."

"You can't do what?" I ask him.

"Everyone expects so much from me and I feel so much pressure to be perfect all the time and I can't take it." I'm assuming he's referring to basketball.

"And sometimes, I don't think I'm good enough to be here, on this team. I love this team so much but I feel like I'm not doing enough for them and they deserve better.

"They expect a lot from you because they know what you are capable of, and how amazing you are. You are not perfect, nobody is. You're going to make mistakes but those are all just learning experiences, Warren."

"There's not a better team captain that team could ask for. they love you too, so much." I look him in the eyes to make sure he knows I'm not kidding. "You can do this, okay?"

"You're amazing." He reaches his hand and pushes a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

Is he trying to kill me?

"Now get up." I use all my strength to drag him to his feet but he just sits there limp.

I give him a look making him stand up real quick. That's right.

"I mean it, you go out there and show them how great you are."

"I will. Always." He remembered.


"Now let's go" I grab his hand and swing our hands back and forth as we walk down the hallway back to the stadium.



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Dance and basketball content next chapter. I already have the next about 3 chaps planned out let's just say a boy band is involved.



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