Chapter Thirteen

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Okay so a little PSA before I start this chapter, I've decided I'm gonna change Niragi's character because I just don't feel comfortable writing him into my story the way I have and keeping his original story line and character arc like we're not about to romanticise his actions and we all know what I'm referencing.

So yeah I'm going to make him more of a lost soul/hurt from his past so he's mean and an ass kind of vibe to him so no stuff he does to Usagi happens or anything else like that. I'd rather give him a redeeming arc as well like what we should've got in season two.

Okay PSA over with, please enjoy this chapter :)


Her and Niragi stood in the corridor for a moment, Takara soaking in her surroundings as they did so. Every inch of the floor was covered in a royal red carpet, a few plants lining the walkway. The walls were a bright white made of large stone slabs that contrasted the strong oak doors that continued down the hall.

"All the rooms are upstairs, follow me" Niragi had already started walking as he spoke, Takara followed not far behind him.

They had made their way down the corridor and now stood in front of an elevator, Niragi pushed the button which started the machine to whir as the elevator made its way down to the bottom floor.

Takara could feel Niragis gaze burning into the side of her face as they stood silently waiting for the doors to open. He had an unsettling energy around him, which made her think it's best to just stay quiet.

A small ding caught both of their attention, the doors sliding themselves open revealing the shiny interior of the elevator.

"After you," Niragi smiled at her, his arm motioning for her to step in.

She nodded her head as a thank you with a small smile on her face, stepping inside.

Once they were both in the elevator, Niragi leaned across Takara slowly to reach the buttons on the left side and pressed the button for the fourth floor.

They were silent for a moment before Niragi spoke.

"You're a very pretty girl, you know" Niragi leered at her as the elevator doors started to close.

"Thanks." A tight lipped smile paired with her words, she knew it wouldn't be a good idea to completely ignore him.

"And you know, it's not a safe world for pretty girls like you,"

Immediately after he uttered those words, Takara knew what he was doing. He was trying to scare her, but his trick wouldn't work on her.

"Is that so?" Takara turned to him.

"You could use someone big and strong like me to protect you" That smirk he always had appeared on his face again.

"And why would someone make an offer like that without expecting something in return" Takara knew what guys like him were like, and she wasn't falling for it.

"Pretty and smart, now that's a rare combination" He looked Takara up and down before continuing.

"I'm sure you could find ways to repay me" He had a hungry look in his eyes as he spoke.

"I think I can take care of myself, but thanks for the offer" She tried to sound assertive with her words, not wanting to seem like she could be messed with by him.

He sniggered as he looked her up and down again, he had now positioned himself so he towered over her with her back against the wall. He placed his hand under her chin, lifting her gaze to his.

"We'll see little lady, I'm sure you'll take up my deal sooner or later." He smirked down at her.

Their tense situation was interrupted by the elevator coming to a halt, a ding rang out while the doors slid open. Takara took this opportunity to swat his hand away from her face, moving her body out from underneath him.

They both walked out into the corridor that had a multitude of doors on both sides of the hall. They came to a stop a few doors down, a small plaque with the numbers 410 engraved into it situated itself next to the door of Takara's new room.

"This one's yours" Niragi motioned to the door in front of them. He went to turn and leave but stopped to speak once more.

"My room is on the sixth floor, if you ever find yourself wanting some late night company" He winked at Takara before sauntering off back down the corridor.

"Why is everyone here so strange?" Takara muttered to herself once Niragi was out of earshot. It was a shame, he was quite attractive, but disappointingly he had to be a complete and utter jerk with way too much confidence in himself. Shaking her head, she pushed the door to her room open.

She noticed as she pushed the hard oak door open that the lock had been removed, she guessed it had something to do with the "do whatever the hell you want" vibe Hatter created for the Beach. She made a mental note in her head to make sure she propped up something on her side of the door so she had no unwanted guests while she slept.

Closing the door behind her, she soaked in her new room. It was quite a reasonable size, being able to hold a double bed, wardrobe and a small glass table with a sofa accompanying it. The room had a lot of red elements to it, from the bed sheets and lampshades, to the one wall with red floral wallpaper. It paired nicely with the dark oak wood furniture and the cream carpet beneath her feet. She noticed that at the end of the room stood a large glass sliding door which led out to a small balcony.

To the right of her stood another door, Takara opened it and was faced with a small, empty walk-in closet. She felt that the space could come into good use for storing supplies and weapons secretly amongst the clothes.

Another door on the right side of the room led through to a bathroom. Takara let out a relieved sigh now knowing that she wouldn't have to use a communal bathroom. From the walls to the floor, it was all made out of white stone. It had all the necessitates a bathroom could need, including a large cabinet she was already envisioning keeping all her first aid in.

She walked back into the bedroom and stepped over to the glass door, pulling the door open. She was greeted with booming music and the sound of people cheering and partying as she walked out onto her small balcony. She rested her hands on the edge of the balcony and peered down.

Below her it looked like a party was in full swing, the area was teeming with people. It felt strange and unreal to her seeing so many people in one place after being alone for some time. There was a large pool along with a crowded seating area near it. There were also a lot of people in the more foliaged area behind where the party was taking place.

She smiled, feeling less alone even though she wasn't down there with everyone. Part of her wanted to go down there and join them, to release some of the stress and tension that had built up inside of her. The aching of her body talked her out of the idea, thinking that some sleep would be more beneficial.

After remembering to barricade her door with a chair, she climbed into the bed of her new room. Her mind whirred with thoughts about the last few hours. She felt overwhelmed, she had found out answers to a few of her questions, but now more were arising. She decided that tomorrow she would try to seek out more answers, but for now, she needed to sleep.

Feeling her eyes start to get heavy from her long day, her mind started to slow down as sleep took a hold of her.


Takara is finally at the Beach! I'll be adding a few more characters into the mix now she's here both original and a few of my own ;)

Been having a bit of a writer's block recently so I'll post another chapter after this one so there's a bit for you all to read while I try and snap out of this block I have haha

All of the votes and reads have been really appreciated by me so thank you for all of them!

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