Chapter Eleven

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Takara had made her way back to where she lost the hunter earlier, now heading in the same direction as they had gone.

Now deeper into the fair, she was faced with yet another decision. She either entered the miniature golf course to her right, the big building looming over her, or she could enter what looked like an area solely made up of old fashioned game stalls.

While deliberating her next moves, she heard some commotion coming from inside the miniature golf course. And by the sounds of it, she had a feeling both a player and a hunter were inside.

With the hopes that there was a possibility that a player could be inside, her decision was made for her. Sticking to the shadows, she walked closer to the building.

Making her way to the back entrance of the course, she held her gun close to her chest. Before this, she had never used a gun let alone held one. Her knowledge of them was only from films and TV, but having the firearm with her was better than being completely defenseless.

She was sure to turn the safety off the gun before slowly opening the back door to the building. Now inside, the noise of the two people could be heard clearer, and to no surprise there was some sort of conflict between the two.

Making her way out of the back office and into the main course area, she hid herself behind a low wall before making a grand entrance.

Peering over the edge of the wall, she took a good look at who she found herself in the room with. The hunter attacking the player was the same bull masked wearer that had been after Takara the whole night. They must've come here instead of following her.

The guy who was now being punched in the face had been the same scruffy haired male she had noticed from before. He must've survived whatever had been inside the funhouse and had wound up here.

Quickly trying to come up with an idea to help her fellow player, she knew diving head first into the game was a bad idea. She didn't have enough faith in physical fighting skills to do that. Her best bet was to sneak up onto the hunter and try out the new gun she'd been carrying around for the majority of the game.

Waiting for the right moment, Takara watched as the hunter threw the boy onto the floor and climbed on top of him with his back to Takara. The hunter then started to throw more punches in the boy's face. This felt like the right moment for her to strike.

Being as silent as possible, Takara sneaked up on the two, getting as close as she could to make sure she wouldn't miss. Happy with her position and ready to strike, she called out to the hunter.

"Hey asshole"

Before the hunter could turn around, Takara fired one, two, three, bullets straight through the head of the hunter, adrenaline running through her veins.

The hunter's body slowly slumped to the floor. The boy, stunned, pushed the body to the side, looking up at who had just saved his life.

Takara was still holding the gun at the angle she shot the hunter at also in the same stunned state at what she had just done.

"Well that's one way of beating the hunter" The guy spoke, snapping Takara out of her daze.

She put her arm out for the guy to take. He gladly grabbed her hand, pulling himself off of the ground.

"Thank you" He spoke again, a grateful smile on his face, blood splatters painted across it from the hole Takara blew into the hunters head.

"Daichi, the names Daichi" He stretched out his hand for Takara to shake, a smile still on his face.

"Takara, nice to meet you. You know you're the first person I've actually got a name off of" Takara took Daichi's hand in hers to shake, giving him a warm smile.

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