Chapter 36: "Raincheck"

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I OPENED MY mouth to scream, but Grey shot me a warning look. I recognised it after years of getting caught for pulling stupid pranks- especially on Chief Haddel. Make a sound and we're both dead.

"Why are you helping me?" I murmured, looping my arms around his neck for better balance and resting my head against his chest.

His heart beat erratically in his chest as he sprinted down winding corridors that smelt of bleach. "Because I care for you. And Jay. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Bit late for that." I winced and squinted as a bright light engulfed my vision.

Grey ducked into a narrow corridor and glanced around the corner. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. Also, why are you so light? Are you not eating properly?"

I scowled. "I didn't exactly have time for a meal before being kidnapped. Plus I've spent more than a month looking for you!"

"Oh...I'm sorry about that too then."

"Apology not accepted."

"Shh! Someone's coming!"

I clamped my mouth and held my breath, hearing the blood rush in my ears that mimicked Grey's heartbeat. I let out a short exhale when he nodded, feeling my stomach scream in protest.

"Grey," I whispered as he went barrelling down another path. "I need medical care. Like, now."

"What? What do you- oh holy shit that's a lot of blood." Grey swallowed, staring at the red stain spreading over my stomach. "Uh, just- just hang in there? Press the wound. Do you feel dizzy?"

"Little bit."

"Oh shit that's not a good sign." Grey rounded a corner and skidded to a stop. His face paled and his eyes widened like a doe caught in a pair of headlights.

I slowly looked over. A line of Chiefs, forced to their knees with guns to their heads. A dead body under the flickering lights. I raised my gaze and, despite the wave of pain crashing over me, I smiled seeing Jay.

"Hey!" I waved weakly. "Long time no see bro!"

"Ezra?" Keen's voice was unnaturally small as she glanced between us. "Wha- what is this?"

"Uh..." Grey chuckled awkwardly, eyes flicking between the groups."You were not supposed to be here."

Rage clouded Keen's features and she smashed the bottle she held on the ground, letting out a scream. "How dare you?! After- After everything I've done! After everything we've done! How could you betray me? I- I-"

"Betrayal sucks, doesn't it?." I raised my middle finger and smirked. "Karma's a bitch."

"You!" Keen lunged, but seemed to catch herself in time. She ran her hands through her thick curls, squatting down in the middle. "Shut up! This is all your fault!"

"Quit blaming me for your choices!" I exclaimed, genuinely getting annoyed now.

"You don't get it." Keen looked up, suddenly looking like a small and frightened child. "You just don't get it. Do you understand what I had to go through because of you, huh? Every day- every fucking day- you just rub in your perfect life."

I stared at her, having difficulty in processing the high level of stupidity. I remembered- a long time ago now- Keen telling me her mother cheated on her father and left. But when had I ever told her my life was perfect?

Bits and pieces from conversation slotted into place- how Keen was raised by other relatives until her father got his shit together enough to notice his child. The flippant remarks she made about the crumbling pressure, the stuff she always laughed off at the end. The small 'jokes' she made about how jealous she was about my life.

I had never told anyone about my past apart from Jay- and even he only got the watered down version in the beginning. I concocted a fake story of a life, thinking it couldn't do much harm. It was just a little white lie.

I should have taken it more seriously.

"Frankly," I said loudly. "I don't care how tragic your backstory is. Doesn't give you a pass to be an asshole."

"And murderer!" An elderly man shouted.

"And a murderer!" I agreed. I turned to Ez. "Could you put me down now, please?"

He did so and I gasped at the sudden pressure applied to my legs. I heavily leaned on Ez's arm, blinking out the colourful spots from my eyes.

"What are you doing?!" Keen glared at the Sanguis. "Kill her!"

"Don't even think about it." Jay's voice was deathly quiet, finger rested on the trigger as he aimed it at one of the assassins. "Or I will shoot you in the skull before you move an inch."

The Sanguis froze. It was only for a moment, but it was enough.

The Chiefs jumped up and, in a confusing blur of swirling red and black, managed to wrestle the gun out of their attackers' hands. The rest of the Sanguis moved to help their comrades, but bullets were rained down upon them by the army Jay had gathered.

I scanned the crowd for my brother, but lost him in the confusing mesh of people. A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I flinched, but relaxed when I saw it was Ez.

"Take this!" He gave me a knife and shoved me back round the corner. "And stay out of sight!"

I tried to protest, but dizziness engulfed me and I could do nothing more than slide down the wall and make unintelligible noises.

I closed my eyes and let the sounds of the battle wash over me. The screams, the cries and the disturbing sound of flesh hitting flesh. I tried to filter out the noise, trying to pick out that one voice in the din. My shirt was soaked with blood and it was a losing battle to stay awake.

"Hello, Ada." Emma Keen appeared in front of me, gun raised and aimed at my head. "It's time to die."

I groaned and raised my right hand. "Can I get a raincheck on that?" 


I hope you guys liked it! 

Stay safe and thanks for reading :) 

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