Chapter 4: "Truth Hurts"

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MY DOORBELL RANG and I ignored it.

It rang again and I refused to answer the call, snuggling deeper into my covers.

But then the person started ringing the bell in random and irritating tunes. I groaned and sat up, but the ringing stopped. I grinned and sank back down.

The ringing started again. Faster, louder and more annoying.

"Fine!" I screamed, pushing away the covers with my legs and exposing my body to the cold elements. I hoped that the person heard the rage in my tone and left.

"What do you- Wilson? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion at the woman leaning against the doorframe.

"Finally." She huffed, stepping over the threshold. "I've been ringing the bell for ages! Could you not hear me or something?"

"Could you not hear me or something?" I mimicked in a falsetto, irritated that her Highness had decided to enter my home uninvited. But then I noticed the various cuts and bruises and her torn clothes. I frowned. Did she get attacked? "You look worse than normal."

Wilson scoffed and leaned heavily against the wall. "Thanks. You really know how to flatter a girl." She slid down it and groaned, eyes fluttering close for a moment.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the twinge of concern piercing my heart. "I'll go get a first aid kit. Don't move."

She waved. "I won't. Your floor is strangely comfortable."

I turned and went to the kitchen, pulling open a cupboard under the oven. It was almost empty- save for the dusty cans of tinned, and possibly expired, soup. I tried to avoid buying too much food because I was always on the move. Jammed in the corner was a small, white first aid kit with a faded red cross. I took it out and blew off the dust and coughed, my eyes watering.

"Here you go." I said, placing it next to her.

"Thanks." She nodded and opened it. I sat down opposite her and watched as Wilson applied the various ointments and creams.

"Did you fall off your crappy bike or something?" I asked, sleep addled my brain and all I could think of was my lovely warm bed back upstairs.

Wilson shot me a flat look. "Don't be stupid." She then proceeded to tell me how her friend- Analyst Keen- had tried to assassinate her. She launched into detail about the attack- which I am sure was exaggerated- and ended the epic saga with a lame 'so yeah...'

I pinched the bridge of my nose and exhaled sharply. "Holy crap."

"Holy crap indeed."

"Why did you come to my place? Am I really that trustworthy?"

"No offence Carter, but you're like second to last on the list of people I would trust. And that list includes people who tried to kill me."

"Harsh but fair."

Wilson shrugged. "Truth hurts."

"Then why did you come here if you hated me that much?"

"You were closer than the person I wanted to contact." Wilson sighed and leaned back. "Think Emma was the traitor of the Agency?"

I mimicked her position, my knee bouncing up and down as I accepted the fact that I would be getting no sleep tonight. "Most likely... you also said Emma was working for some boss? They could also be part of the Agency."

"Good theory. I think that we shouldn't go back to the Agency. At least not until all this clears up."

"We?" I raised an eyebrow. "There's no 'we' in this. This is a 'you' problem. Your mess. You clean it up. Now good day and good–"

Betrayed ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora