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word count[1209]

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

It was Thursday and everyone hated Thursdays. Will was of course already up. He wanted to match with his boyfriend. He called Mike and he answered not even a ring later.

"Hello?" Mike said over the phone. "Come over." Will said without telling him anything. "Why, you okay?" Mike sounded a bit worried. "No i'm fine, just come." Will said and hung up.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Mike was at Wills window, hair messed up, backpack, and a small goofy grin on his face. Will opened the window and stepped aside. "Woah, love the outfit." Mike climbed through the window.

"Thanks, you're wearing it too." Will said and pulled a hanger out of his closet with a outfit really similar to Will's.

It was a black top with random designs and a orange long sleeve shirt with black strips under it, matched with denim cargo pants. "Change in the bathroom, have you eaten?" Will rushed around his room after giving it to Mike.

"No not yet." Mike walked out the room after giving Will a soft smile.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Mike came back fully dressed in the outfit Will gave him. "It looks great on you!" Will grinned at him. "It looks better on you, but I still look good." Mike chuckled and Will smiled at him and fixed his bowlcut. "Also Ma—" Will was cut off by the sound of a knock.

"Yea, Max and El are also coming." Will opened the window. "Oh hey Mike, nice outfits!" El pushed Max in and she fell. "Ow!" Max glared at her. Mike snickered. "Alright what color?" El dusted her hands off.

"Purple, you know where the bathroom is, get your outfits and go!" Will said then sitting next to Mike. The two girls smirked at eachother and got their clothes. Once the girls left the room Mike started playing with Wills hair.

Will put his head on Mikes lap and examined Mikes face. "Staring Byers?" Mike looked at him. "Can I not look at my boyfriend?" Will chuckled. "Your can, but stop being so cute while doing it!" Mike said and looked down at him. Wills cheeks turned red and he smiled.

"Gross! Take your lovey dovey shit back to school." Max and El came in. "You and Lucas do this almost every day!" Will complained.

"Yeah, yeah whatever let's go." Max picked up her backpack. "Wait." Will got up and he pulled Mike to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" Will asked while looking around.

"Nothing, i'm not hungry." Mike didn't want to take any of his food. (tbh i wouldn't either) "Mike i'm serious what do you want?" Will asked.

"Nothing." Mike said. "Fine, get your bag, and we're gonna go to school!" Will picked up his bag that somehow got in the kitchen.

"Alright!" Mike went to Wills room and got his bag. He came out with Max and El behind him. "I'm still sad that fruity pebbles ran away."Max pouted. "Max that fucking cat was petrified." El Chuckled and Max hit her forehead.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

They were always early to school do it wasn't really new, even though Max and El were fighting about 'fruity pebbles', while Mike and Will were casually flirting with each other.

They got to school and Max went to her somewhat very early period. El went to talk to dustin. Mike and swill were at their locker, Will was putting book's away, after he closed the locker Mike was right behind Will.

"Morning Will, long time no see?" Mike said. Will turned around and smiled. "You saw me two minutes ago!" Will said. "It felt like twenty years!" Mike laughed along with Will.

"Your an idiot Mike Wheeler." Will grinned at him. "That didnt matter, because your very pretty." Mike tapped a finger on Will's nose. Will giggled and, put his arms around Mikes neck. Mike put his arms around Will's waist and kissed him.

The kiss wasn't long, but it wasn't short. (I bet you they both smell like fresh notebooks)Will was up on his tippy toes a bit, his boyfriend was a little too tall.

"Get a room!" Dustin walked over. "Oh trust me we will. You guys keep ruining our moment." Mike pulled away keeping his arm on Wills waist. "Yeah, yeah. How about stop making out in very open places." Dustin chuckled. "How about stop walking up on me and my boyfriend." Mike said. Will just giggled.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

After everyone's second period, Max ran up to everyone. "Hey what did I miss?" Max asked while stuffing a book in her backpack. "Mike and Will made out like five times already." Lucas snickered. "Yet you guys ruined them." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Do that at Wills house." El looked at the two "Was it not you who said 'Gross! Take your lovey dovey shit back to school.'"Will copied what she said. "Ok my bad, but not everyone needs to e see you guys swallow each other's faces." Max chuckled.

"Hey! What's wrong with showing off my beautiful boyfriend?" Mike complained. Will smiled and Mike pulled him to his side. "NO! they might make out again!" Dustin wasn't taking any chances.

Mike chuckled and held Wills hand. "Bye dustin." Dustin screamed and ran. "I didn't think he was actually scared of it." Will giggled and the rest of them joined him.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Soon after everyone's third period, it was lunch time. They sat how they normally did.

Lucas Dustin El
Will Mike Max

Will didn't get anything, he still didn't feel like joking, he didn't know why. He had Mike, he loved Mike. He didn't know what was missing.

"You want a snack?" Mike asked him snapping Will out of his thoughts. "huh, oh sure!" Will plastered a small smile on his mouth. "Alright Ill be back, Lucas cover for me." Mike got up.

"Why me?" Lucas groaned. "Because Ill go to your house and fuck your mom." Mike grabbed his phone. "Alright, fine gross." Lucas rolled his eyes.

Will snickered. "Yo bowlie!" Someone from behind called. Will turned and it was of course Jordan. "Troy wants you at the table." Jordan didn't care about the people next to him. "No thanks." Will turned.

Jordan walked up to Will about to pull him from the table, then Mike pulled him away then dropped him on the floor. "Okay i'm gone." Mike ran out the cafeteria and the rest of them laughed.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

Five minutes before lunch ended Mike tapped Wills shoulder. Will turned around. "Here!" Mike handed him the bag of Wills favorite candy. Will smiles at him and took it gently. "How much was it?" Will asked. "Like three dollars why?" Mike sat down. "I'll pay you back." Will said.

"No you don't need to." Mike didn't want to take his money. "No i'm gonna." Will added. "I don't want it!" Mike put his hand over Wills mouth. Will's words were muffled. He bit his hand. "Ow! Are you a animal now?" Mike pulled his hand off Wills mouth.

"No." Will leaned on Mike and opened the bag of candy.

☄︎:ੈ₊˚✰ ————————————

HELP THIS CHAPTER SUCKS. anyways I'm barely gonna make them make out a lot, reminds me of milkdud. BUTT, let's just say a lot of visits to mikes house.😉

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