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Lisa's POV:

"Breathe, Lily, breathe." Lisa says to herself as she finally settled into the backseat of jennie's car. Although Lisa had always daydreamed about being famous, she never imagined being bombarded being that... horrifying.

It had even drawn stress-induced tears to her eyes, and she was shaking slightly. The lights had made her dizzy, and the scrambling to get out had made it even worse.

Finally, Jennie got to the car, but she completely ignored Lisa after glancing into the back.

Ohhh, no. Jennie Kim, you just indirectly caused me to have a mental breakdown, you're not about to ignore me, take a step back- yep, she's ignoring me.

"What's your address?" Jennie asked, barely glancing in the mirror.


"What's your address?"

"1284 Westbeach lane." Lisa said, after hesitating a little.

"Awesome." Jennie entered it into her GPS, and held her phone up to her ear, to make it look like she was talking to someone who was on the phone, not behind her. "Now, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine. It's always been my life's dream to be sent into a mental breakdown."

"What?!" Jennie screeched as she turned around.

Jennie quickly turned around and grabbed it, narrowly missing another car.

"Hey, look, we're here." Lisa sighed, as she got out of the car, before Jennie grabbed her wrist. "Wait, what's the story we're telling your mom? Like, why are you with me?"

"Oh, shoot.. Um, I went to Starbucks on my way home from Rosé's, and I saw you there and invited you over."

Jennie furrowed her brow, but accepted it, and allowed herself to be dragged inside by the brown-eyed object of her fascination. "I'm home!" Lisa called out as she entered the house.

Jennie's POV:

Her house was exactly like she expected it to be.. For whatever reason, it suited Lisa perfectly. She glanced around, and noticed some toys in the living room. Hadn't Lisa mentioned something about having a little sister?

"Monkey!" Yep, definitely had a little sister. She noticed a little girl run up to Lisa, and the other girl caught her. "Hi, baby girl." The long-haired girl lifted her and turned towards Jennie. "Lia, this is my friend Jennie. Jen, this is Lia."

"Hi, Lia." Jennie smiled sweetly.

"You're.... real." Lia said with bulging eyes. "Lis says she's gonna marry you. She spends a lot of time looking at pictures and videos of you. And whenever you're on TV she cries. She says you're perfect, and once I ca-" Lisa clamped a hand over Lia's mouth. "That's enough, Lia, go play with your toys."

She let Lia down, and she scampered away. When Lisa turned around and looked up, only to meet a smirk and lifted eyebrow from Jennie. She was really fucking cute. ...And really obsessed. Lisa lifted a finger to Jennie's mouth, and continued. "Don't say anything. Come upstairs."
Jennie allowed herself to be guided by the other blonde up the stairs, down the hallway, and into her room.

It was so... Lisa. The furniture was white-washed, and the walls were mint green, but they were covered with pictures and posters and twinkly lights. It was disheveled, and there were clothes on her dresser, and her desk was unorganized, but her bed was made and it was homey.

As she sat on the bed, she watched as Lisa hurriedly tried to clean up. "Lily. Chill. I've seen you naked."

Lisa turned around and blushed, and Jennie smiled, because she was so adorable. "Come here."

Lisa's POV:

Feeling slight butterflies, Lisa walked over to Jennie, who lightly grasped her lower back and pulled her onto her lap, so she was straddling her hips. "Hey." Lisa giggled, resting her hands on the back of the brown-eyed girl's neck and pressing her forehead against her's. "Hey back." Finally being the one to initiate things, Lisa leaned in and started a sweet kiss that quick turned feverish and needy, quickly.

Jennie's hands teased her waist, slipping underneath, and Lisa knew she was so close to ripping it off- and she was so looking forward to it. She pulled her closer and rolled her hips into her's, pulling a soft whimper out of Jennie, in the process.

"Whoa, what the hell?"

Lisa whipped around, and saw the only Roséanne park standing in the doorway.

"...Hey Rosé"

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