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Lisa's POV:

Okay. Under the table. Get under the table and wait there. Are you frickin' crazy, Kim?!

Lisa pulled out her phone quickly and checked the time, she still had two hours until she had to call her mom, and the meet and greet wouldn't take too long.. After all, it was over halfway done. What the heck, why not? Lisa got to the end of the table before, (sneakily) dropping her bracelet, bending down to get it, and rolling under the table. "Ah, ha!" Lisa grinned to herself.

She looked around, careful to make sure there were no security guards coming to her. Actually, there was nothing.

WAIT. WHAT IS THAT MOVING IN THE CORNER OF MY EYE?! Lisa whipped around and hit her head against one of the table's legs, causing her to wince and hold the back of her head. "Ouch.." Lisa pouted, before remembering what she was looking for.

Finally, she spotted Jennie Kim. More importantly, Jennie Kim's hand motioning for Lisa to crawl over there. What?! More and more, Lisa was beginning to question her obsession with this girl. However, a quick incoming text that illuminated her phone and revealed the picture of Jennie kissing her cheek.

Oh, right. That's why. Sighing a bit, Lisa fixed her bow and began crawling, ignoring the fact that her waist-long hair dragged along the ground. Finally, when she right by her goddess and idol, she felt the need to alert the older girl of her presence and tapped her ankle softly. She was met with a... pat, to her head and long, feminine fingers running gently through her hair. She was petting her. Like a cat, but better.

Lisa smiled and leaned into the touch, before wishing for the millionth time ever that her Achilles's heel wasn't something as embarrassing as physical affection... and Jennie. She heard Jennie chuckle before continuing to run those magical fingers through her locks.

At last, all the fans were gone and Jennie said aloud, chuckling while she did so, "You can come out now."


Lisa crawled out from under the table, and looked up at Jennie, since she was still on her knees.


"Well, I figured that you'd be more comfortable not crouched under the table, an-."

"No, why did you ask me to hide under the table?"

"Oh. I wanted to spend time with you."

"Again, why?!"

"Because I like you. You're cute and little and you have this adorable blush that makes me like you even more- See, there it is."

"Y-You... um, uh, well... y-you, wow, I'm gonna cry.

"Again, you're really cute. Hey, I have to go change, but you're welcome to come to my dressing room. I promise, I'll only take a few minutes to change."

"I... Uh, yeah, okay."

"Perfect." Jennie smiled and took her hand, before guiding her out of the tent and towards the trailer that doubled as her dressing room, for the time being.

Jennie's POV:

She's precious. Fucking precious. And Jennie had to have her. She was so dead-set on it, there wasn't another thought in her mind. Once they got to her dressing room, Jennie motioned to the couch as she headed into the bathroom, carrying a change of clothes with her.

Quickly, she changed into a pair of black shorts, white loose tank with the same black bandeau under, and a necklace that matched, just because it made her feel like she wasn't being too lazy.

Finally, she walked back out and sat down next to Lisa, close enough where she could easily rest her head against her shoulder, but not too close, as to not to make the girl feel uncomfortable.

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