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I am so sorry! I just began a shingeki no kyojin marathon and I couldn't resist the urge to go from one season to the other. I became practically unable to do anything else. Once again, I'm sorry. As an apology please accept this chapter and don't forget to give me your feedback.


Severus had rushed out despite me trying to hold him back, instead he had just kissed me, wiped away my tears and pressed his forehead against mine before promising that everything was going to be perfectly fine.

Edward had rushed Donna and Sally into the room soon after, handing me my gun and the bullets before nodding at the three of us and closing the door behind himself.

We sat in silence, jolting as a scream or gunshot rang too close to the room. We could hear sounds from outside the window and the door. The window was covered by a thick curtain to keep anyone from even getting a glance at the inside while the light was closed so no one would become suspicious of the room.

It was still cold as we sat in frozen fear, hearts thumping wildly in our chests as shadows passed from beneath the door. Edward hadn't locked it because if it was locked, the enemy would undoubtedly figure out why and we would be in even greater danger than what we were in now.

When the door to a nearby room slammed against the wall and the sound greeted our ears, we rushed to find a hiding spot. Sally hid beneath a table near the door whereas Donna and I ducked behind two adjacent sofas.

Donna had her hands fisted and pressed tightly to her chest as tears ran down her cheeks and she prayed for our well being. I had to stop myself from making a sound as another door, one which sounded much closer than the one before, slammed open.

"Not here either!"

A man shouted followed by a string of curses from another one. We stilled as footsteps approached our door.

"I'll check ahead!"

Another voice spoke as our door flew open. I tightened my hold on my mouth and stopped breathing as a shadow appeared between the gap of the sofas me and Donna were crouched behind. The man turned around and I nearly relaxed when he spoke up, muttering about what he had noticed.

"An unmade bed."

I heard the sheets rustle before they were dropped onto the ground.

"And what do you know? Its still warm."

Donna slowly turned towards me, eyes wide as panic flashed across her features. The man snickered to himself before turning to the sofas we were hidden behind. His shadow drew closer and closer as his footsteps thudded inside the room.

My heart was pounding in my chest as my head started becoming drowsy, if he found even one of us he could easily find the other. Donna and I were basically sitting together if the minute distance between the seats wasn't counted.

I saw his hand appear at the top of the couch and tried to hide myself into the leather. Donna had the same look as me on her face, utterly terrified. That was when we heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

The hand disappeared and the shadow turned around. Hurried footsteps followed the shadow and we heard a pained groan reach us barely a moment later.

"A maid."

I swallowed as his words settled in before peaking through the tiny gap. My heart froze in my chest as I saw him holding Sally off the ground. One of his hands was pulling her off her feet by her hair while the other one angled her face so she couldn't look anywhere else.

I noticed how she didn't even glance in our direction, not wanting to give us away and that's when a thought occurred to me. Had Sally done that to draw his attention away from us?

"You must know where he keeps his bitch right? And you'll be a good sensible little girl and tell me, won't you?"

Sally gritted her teeth as he pulled her hair harder when she refused to answer. He was getting visibly frustrated as Sally refused to back down and glared at him, wincing in pain as he fisted her hair tightly.

"A pig like yo~"

Her words were cut off as his fist connected with her jaw, blood oozed out of her nose as her hands raised to to his in an attempt to free herself. The look in Donna's eyes was masked by determination as she picked up the nearest object to her, which just happened to be a cushion. And stood up before launching herself at the man.

I turned away, unable to see the two of them get hurt. My quivering hands tightened around the gun as I heard the curses flying from the mans mouth and the occasional thuds from when he would hit one of them.

Standing up on shaking legs, I slowly turned around to face them. The man luckily being too occupied with the two of them to notice me prepping myself. I clicked off the safety before raising my trembling hands. My palms became sweaty as I drew in deeper breaths, panic clogging up my throat and making it hard to breathe.

Deep breaths, remember how Severus did it. Remember what he told you, he told you to shut down your emotions if they make you miss a target. A deep breath, he taught you how to do it too. Just relax, take a deep breath, force your mind to forget everything else and focus on what is important right now.

Protecting them should be your priority, you're the only one with the gun and the only one who knows how to use it too. Stop thinking and save them.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let my shoulders sag. Pushing out the lump in throat along with the stress as I exhaled heavily. I lined the gun with my eye level and parted my legs, the man seemed to finally notice me and his eyes widened as he tried to pull himself to shelter, but the two women kept him there.


The bullet wheezed through the air and hit him square in the shoulder, He clutched onto it in pain and dropped to his knees. Donna and Sally both froze and turned to me in shock before looking back at the man who opened his mouth to scream.


Another bullet left my gun and pierced his head. Donna turned away from him in disgust as Sally sighed, placing a napkin against her nose to stop the bleeding.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, it came from there."

Two voices which seemed very close to the corridor spoke up.

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