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8 years old:

I was picked up in one of the men's arms as they walked up the stairs and through a dark hallway. I felt so tired and sleepy, my eyes barely stayed open but I forced them too. It would be dangerous to sleep around strangers.

I laid my head down at the indifferent mans shoulder. They led me through hall after hall turning through so many wide doors that I lost count after 13. It was a while later that the man put me on my feet in front of a woman, who was dressed like a maid.

She assessed me from head to toe and nodded at the men, who turned around and left quietly. I watched them walk away and as they shut the doors behind themselves, I turned to the lady in front.

She shocked me by bowing her head as a gesture for respect.

"Welcome to the nest, future donna."

I stared at her in confusion as she raised her head and held out her hand.

"I'm Sally and I am going to be responsible for your grooming."

I shook my head in response. My mother was the one who would groom me, not a random lady I meet after being kidnapped.

"You aren't my mom."

She sighed before crouching down to be face to face with me.

"Yes, I'm not your mom Donna but it would benefit you if you forget about the life you've led up till now."

I shook my head again, making her frown.

"I've been ordered by the boss to raise you in the most stern and strict environment possible, you must respect your husband and the boss. Any form of disrespect will be dealt with harshly, so for your own good, I suggest you quietly follow every instruction given to you."

I swallowed in fear, husband? I was only 8 years old, who marries off an 8 year old now a days?

"Now then, please follow me."

She held out her hand and I placed my own shaking one in hers. She led me out of the room and up another pair of stairs before making a few turns. we were greeted by a large white door.

She used a card attached to her dress, to open it and the light inside made me close my eyes. It was completely different here than back there, whereas that area was darker and gloomier, this was brighter and better and much much larger.

We stood in the middle of what looked like a throne room, but I knew from Disney movies and the lack of a throne, that it wasn't one. Their were a few men who were standing around the room with guns in hand, they stood still like statues only their eyes moved and followed our movements as I looked around and made eye contact with all of them.

Before turning my head abruptly as the sound of another door opening greeted my ears.


The woman beside me bowed, as another woman stepped through the doors. She was dressed in a gown that fell till her ankles, her black hair was up in a loose bun and a few strands fell around her face like a frame. A small smile was at her lips and it made her look nicer than everyone else around me.


She greeted the woman beside me before smiling at me warmly. I continued to stare at her blankly in confusion, her smile faltered before she sighed and knelt down before me.

"May I have a word with her, alone?"

The woman named sally was about to protest but with a pointed look from the Donna she nodded her head.

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