|36. Repentance |

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It was nighttime and Silya was preparing dinner. Junayd wasn't home he claimed that he went to take care of some "business", she knew what business he meant but he didn't want her involved in that world so he chose not to tell her.

The business involved a meeting with Asad which he dreaded but he had to attend. It wasn't a choice.

Silya decided to cook Moussaka, it was one of her favorite dishes, and she mastered it.

She put it in the oven and started to prepare drinks.

She was craving fresh mochitos because she didn't have one in a while.

When dinner was ready she set up the table and decided to give him a call in case he wasn't coming so she can dine alone.

Unfortunately, he walked into the house the moment she sat at the table.

She got up to fill up his plate as well but surprisingly he walked away.

"Aren't you going to eat?"She called after him.

"I'm full."He replied in a stern voice.

Well, someone is in a bad mood. She thought.

Sighing, she started eating and enjoying every single bite.

She didn't realize how much she had missed eating in absolute silence. Just her and her thoughts.

She got up and started cleaning up after finishing her food.

She put the leftovers in the fridge and walked upstairs to have a bath.

She walked into the room to find him sitting on the edge of the bed shirtless only with sweatpants on.

She immediately turned her gaze away barely acknowledging him, she walked to the walk-in closet and took out her pj's.

She felt his heated gaze on her but decided to ignore it, she felt a very weird vibe coming out of him but couldn't put a finger on it.

Ignoring his gaze she walked towards the door to head out of the room but was soon stopped by his voice.

"Would you leave me?" He asked in one breath.

She frowned in confusion.

Turning around she asked.

"What do you mean?" He got up from the bed taking a few strides closer to her eating up the space between them.

He looked her deep in the eyes. Way too deep to the point they both didn't know if they could look away ever again.

"Would you leave me when he remembers you?" He asked again.

Her eyes widened, she didn't know how to answer that question. But she said what first came to her mind.

"Yes, you would have gotten what you wanted from this absurd marriage and I can go back to the love of my life." She hesitantly told him but regretted it the moment it left her mouth seeing the look on his face.

His unbothered mask slipped and she swore she saw a pang of shock and pain in his eyes before he put on his stoic mask that was always full of anger, rage, and hatred.

He gulped the lump forming in the back of his throat making his apple of Adam move. Looking away to avoid hitting something he spoke.

"Well, I guess you made yourself clear. You may go now, Silya." He gritted his teeth at her name. It became bitter for him to pronounce it.

Flames burned in his heart and the only way he could calm them was through violence. She had to leave.

"Junayd, I-." Before she could finish he yelled at her making her flinch.

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