|25. Forgotten |

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20 hours later:

She was pacing through the hallway praying to Allah for his recovery.

"Ya Allah please save him please no matter what the outcome is please just let him breathe." She cried to her lord scared of losing him.

She was panting loudly ignoring the pain in her leg , she was immune right now to every pain in her body except for the pain in her heart.

She never thought it was this scary to lose someone you love dearly.

"Ya Allah please don't take his soul b-before h-h-he c-comes b-back-k to you . Let him repent ya Allah." She cried not even realizing that she was now on the ground curled up crying like a baby.

"What happened?" Balqis came running to her .

"What have you done to my son?" She glared at her and Silya shook her head .

"I-I didn't d-do anything it w-was an accident I swear." She sobbed but she slapped her hard on the cheek.

She flinched and held her cheek .

"If anything happens to him you will face the consequences!" She pointed her finger at her and walked with Imran to where Naeila was sleeping.

Silya sat back on the ground continuing to pray to Allah.

She called her family to let them know about the accident but she assured them that it was nothing big and no one was hurt just a simple fracture so they won't stop the ceremony.

She even lied and told them they were home , because she didn't want them to worry on Ilan's special days.

The doctor ran to Asad's room after hearing the beeping sound of the machine letting him know that he is waking up.

Asad opened his eyes meeting the white ceiling and a beeping sound annoying his ears.

He took a breath but something felt off then he realized that he had an oxygen pump on his mouth and nose area.

He quickly removed it and started removing all the medical gadgets but he was soon stopped by the doctor.

"Sir you have just been through a very dangerous accident it's a miracle that you didn't die . You should thank whatever god you worship." Asad was taken aback by the doctor's words.

What the hell is going on!

He wanted to get up but an immense pain in his head stopped him .

He hissed out of pain.

"Sir you hit your head very hard. I want you to answer some questions." The doctor started worrying.

"Okey just hurry up I got shit to do." He rushed him.

"What day is this?" He asked.

"What a dumb question." He rolled his eyes.

"Can you answer my question please?" The doctor stressed.

"It's fucking Friday." He sighed out of annoyance .

"What month?" He asked again.

Silya wa on the other side of the room trying to overhear the conversation going on .

Her heart beating loudly.

"December." He rolled his eyes again .

He needs to go now or else she will get annoyed at him , he promised her that he will be there on time.

"What year sir?" The doctor emphasised the word year .

Silya's eyes widened and she felt her heart beating so loud that she doubted everyone could hear it too.


Silya gasped and put her hand on her mouth to supress her coming tears.

Her stomach dropped.

The doctor was shocked. He didn't expect him to go two years back.

But he can't tell his patient about it because it's very bad to their psychology.

"Sir wait a minute I will be right back."

"Hurry up I need to go to my girl."

Silya's eyes widened, what girl? What is he talking about.

"Ya Allah please don't take him away from me please." She begged her lord scared that he may have forgotten her.

The doctor walked to his mother and brother.

Silya rushed to them to listen to what he's about to say.

"Ma'am your son is facing a severe memory loss taking him two years back , he thinks that it's December, 2020 . Do you know anything about his life during that period? Any girl? Because it was the first thing he spoke of waking up do it must be very important."He asked his mother,brother and Silya.

She shook her head because he told her that he had never loved someone before her and not that he had never been with someone.

She was shaking .

"Yes sir he had a girlfriend and they were planning to marry, in fact she is the mother of his child ." Imran informed the doctor while Balqis evilly stared at the dumbfounded Silya.

She was so confused .

Why is he asking them this?

"You need to contact her immediately to come to the hospital and act as if nothing had happened, they should start from where they stopped. And with time he may start remembering but it will take time . Just don't let him stress or overwork himself. I hope he recovers soon , we will check his injuries and if it's all okay he can leave in an hour ." The doctor dropped the bomb on Silya's heart and left like it was nothing.

She couldn't believe her ears , she had to go see him herself.

"Call her now she needs to be here." She heard Balqis order her son .

She felt like she couldn't breathe anymore.

She walked in his room to find him waiting there .

She gulped walking closer to his bed and with each stride her heart beat louder .

She knew it was real the moment he looked at her like she was a stranger.

His eyes were stoic and emotionless just like a few months ago when she had just met him .

She couldn't bear the thought that he really forget her .

Was this the cost of him getting back on his feet?

Forgetting her?

She saw him still confusingly staring at her but before he could open his mouth a very feminine soft voice spoke behind her .

"Asad." He smiled at her and Silya turned around to see the most beautiful girl she has ever seen .

She ran to her husband and hugged him like she was the one married to him .

Silya couldn't live with the fact that he has forgotten her .

She couldn't take it no more seeing her husband looking at some woman the same way he looked at her .

So she left leaving her bleeding heart behind her with him.

Leaving her soul in the hospital and dragging her body out of it.

Naeila is now with her mother, her real mother and father.

She had no place in that family anymore . It's now complete.

Complete without me... She thought.

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