Chapter Thirteen

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Finally some action?!1!1!!1

Tw; mentions of being kidnapped, also someone dies soooo ig have fun

GreatDonTheFirst's pov

It's been two days since Y/n went out for that walk, I've checked their place. I wanted to track them down but one, they weren't wearing my hoodie, and two, their phone was in my room.

I've been procrastinating and my symptoms have been much worse. The first day I felt a headache, then the second day I got chills, and now it's gotten even worst. I have bad mood swings. My skin is getting more sensitive to touch. Making me all uncomfortable and such.

All this from not seeing Y/n for two days? This is worse than weed withdrawal symptoms.

Y/n's been missing for two days, TWO WHOLE DAYS. I've been thinking that they've gotten kidnapped but the guys think that she just forgot her phone. And I don't know what to do anymore because all I want is for them to be safe.

So far I haven't called or done anything yet because I'm afraid of what my brothers will say. But I can't wait any longer because this isn't normal.

Tet called Mikey. Told him to give the phone to me, since I hadn't given her my number.

"Yo so... I got updates on Y/n but it's somewhat bad."

"Tell, right now."

"She was up on her roof, and this spider woman-looking thing came up behind her and grabbed her. According to a dude on the street who shat his pants."

"Not the time to make comedic remar... wait spider-woman? Like Big Mama?" I said, had she noticed Y/n was involved with us?

"Yeah. Do y'all know anyone like that?"

"Yeah, hang up right now I'm gonna gather the boys and head over. Thanks, Tet."

"Yeah whatever you better get Y/n back, I've been shitting myself."

They hung up. Fuck, so now Big Mama is involved with this? What the hell did she want?

I wanted to fucking end Big Mama, apparently, the shit she put us through wasn't enough.

Mikey overheard everything, Tet was on speaker. Went ahead and gathered the guys for me as I put on my gear. My battle shell and such, grabbing my Bo staff.

I and the boys got ready to leave, it was 11 pm. We can make it.

3rd person pov

You woke up.

It was.. dark, not completely dark. And cold, it was cold. You could see a big figure in front of you.

Oh no, some coloured particles were flying around, giving off a dim light. And now that big figure was more of a short, human-like figure.

"Oh, Y/n... Are you awake, boo?" It was a woman, she got up and turned on her lights.

You were in some sort of office, in front of a desk where the woman was seated.

You were scared shitless.

"W-where am I?" Your voice is raspy, throat is dry.

"Hun you've been sleeping for a day and a half, take it easy. You're in Big Mama's, or my office." The woman said.

You took a deep breath, trying not to panic.

"What do you want from me?" You said.

"Oh, I don't want you... I want the turtley-boos here. For my battles. Aren't you dating one of them, the purple one?" She cooed.

You drive me crazy || Obsessed!Donnie x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora