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Ezekiel Pov

I was so busy the entire week. Suddenly something came up that I had to handle personally and I lost track of everything. I didn't even look at the thousands of messages on my phone. And because of it I almost didn't make it on time for the event. Luckily I reached and I saw everyone standing at the entrance. Aria was there too. And she looked beautiful as always. Looking at her took away all my stress and worry.

But....she didn't look happy. She looked upset, very upset. Part of me thought I'm responsible for it and I'm sure I was. Wth is wrong with me I could have informed her atleast but then my eyes fell on my friends. All looking very angry, glaring at Blaze. That mf....if he's done something again then he'll be six feet under the ground. Last time I let him go but not again. In fact I'm not the forgiving type still I let it pass.

As I walked closer I could here them. Enid yelled at him to leave and he questioned more like mocked at My Aria that where's her partner. Now everything was clear to me. That useless creature was there trynna make my love feel depressed and upsetting her. I didn't waste anymore time and I walked up to her pulling her closer to me by her waist. She was startled and she looked up at me. Her eyes were glossy. She was on the verge of crying. He was about to make her cry again.

" Here I am." I told him. He looked like he saw his death. Well that is true. He is going to die and I'm not kidding.

" See there he is. Now you get lost." Claire half yelled at him. Clearly none of them were happy with his presence.

" Wait." I said. " I want to know what happened." I saw Aria wipe her tears from the corner of my eyes. I feel a pang in my heart and my chest feels heavy. I feel so guilty because I know I'm partly responsible for it. If I had not been so careless then none of this would have happened.

" When you both decided your gna be partners then you didn't text for a while so Blaze texted Aria on Friday that she she's lying and he's being kind enough to offer himself as her partner. And he said she won't have a partner cause she is ungrateful and right now because you were late so he thought she doesn't have a partner so he came and started speaking rudely to her. Now can you please tell him your here and beat the shit out of him. " Enid said.

" Don't just beat him, kick him out of the university." Luna said.

" Yeah he doesn't deserve to be under the same roof with her. " Raymond said and he spoke the truth.

" I definitely will." I was about to punch him when Aria held my hand.

" No don't. Please don't, there's no point." Her voice sounded broke and hurt. God I'd rather die than see her sad and hurt. Trust me I've never felt such strong emotions towards anyone after my parents death. Yes I do love my friends. There's no denying in that but Aria is completely different. Nothing compares to her.

" But Aria...."

"No please. You guys go in and I'm going home." Aria cut off Claire midway and she wants to go home. I've really upsetted her.  Meanwhile that jerk quickly went away. He thinks that's gonna help ? No way.  He'll definitely get what he deserves but I need to take care of my love first.

" Why don't you all go in. I'll take care of Aria. " I tell them and they leave.

Once they leave I turn to Aria. She's got no emotions on her face. I've never been so scared or nervous ever. What if she starts hating me or she thinks I'm like others ? I'd die without her. I can't exist without her. There's no point living if my life does not include her.

I can lose everything but not her...Oh God, not her.

" Aria " I whisper. Yeah I whispered.

" Yes ? " She spoke softly.

" Can we please talk ? "

" Yes. " She's always so understanding and listening and I'm so grateful for that. I take her to the college garden.

" Firstly I'd like to apologise. I know you must be very concerned and confused as to why I didn't text you. Trust me love it wasn't intentional. I know it sounds hard to believe. But something really important came up that I couldn't tell anyone about and I promise I will tell you at the right time. And I got so caught up in it that I lost track of everything. Finally yesterday when the issue was solved I looked at my phone i saw so many messages and I remembered everything and rushed here. " I took a breath and continued. " Love I know you might have felt that I probably ran away or changed my mind so I'm ignoring you or something and that's totally fine. We're humans after all and that's how are mind's function. But trust me I could never ever run away from you.   I legit can't stay a minute without you. Please forgive me. I know I've made you really sad and upset and also that I've hurt you a lot. I'm ready to accept any punishment you give me. But please don't be sad, it kills me to see you hurt."

She was quite during my long ass speech. I don't know if I was able to express myself well but I really meant whatever I said.

" I'm not mad at you. " She said.

" What ?" I asked not believing what I just heard.

" Yeah. See I knew you were busy, it was a business trip after all. And I didn't think that you ran away or changed your mind. On the contrary I was worried like I thought something happened cause you know your in the mafia. And right now I don't why I took everything so seriously like whatever Blaze said. He always speaks like that. I guess I overreacted a bit. " Is this girl real ? She can't be. Clearly she had every freaking right to be upset and mad at me and yet she didn't blame me the slightest bit in fact my baby was concerned about me. And she's so innocent that she thinks she overreacted when she clearly didn't. If it was someone else then he or she would have started fighting while she so politely let it go.

Do I even deserve her ?

" No princess please don't say such things. Forget overreacting, you didn't react at all. You let it go. And I am half responsible for it and I can't tell you how guilty I feel. "

" It's ok. You don't have to blame yourself. Trust me I'm absolutely fine now. "

" If your fine then your not going home. We're going inside."

" Inside ? " She says hesitantly.

" See if you don't go in then that means you haven't forgiven me. Plus I even wore one of my favourite suits for you. " I tell her.

" No no please there's no such thing. I just.....fine...let's go. " She smiles. A huge wave of relief washes over me.

I smile back her and I stand up and offer her my arm. She takes it so gracefully. Btw have I mentioned how breathtaking she looks. She's wearing a simple light blue dress and yet she looks heavenly. I literally fall short of words everytime to describe her. I have to improve my vocabulary.

As we walk in I lean nearhsr ear and tell her. " Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight love ? " She blushes. I love it when I make her blush.

" Thank you. " She says.

Everyone's staring at us shocked. I mean obviously they wouldn't have expected me to be there and be a student's partner. Who cares ? The only person I need is beside me right now and she's happy and that's all that matters.

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