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Ezekiel Pov

Aria texted me. And guess what ? Her friends invited me to the inauguration party but I had already received this invitation like a month again but at least I got Aria to text me. I saved her number as 'Love ❤️'. I can't believe I would end up saving someone's number like this but can't help it. Aria is my everything now. I texted her to not blush because I'll actually miss seeing it. And she didn't reply back, I guess I made her shy.

Anyways I got ready and I was at a chocolate shop with my friends right now. From that little fact file Callahan created for me I got to know that Aria likes chocolates. I wanted to buy the whole shop for my baby but then she might find me creepy so I ended up buying her favourite Toblerone. We did get a little late because Raymond and Felix took a whole hour to get their favourite chocolates. Why the hell did I even ask them to accompany me ? I had also bought a bouquet of flowers for her, they were in my car, orchids and lillies, her favourite.

We finally paid and we left. We reached the venue and some people were standing there to welcome us. There were so many people around and the media was blinding me with their cameras. I just wanted to get in somehow. In the hallway I realised that I had left the chocolate and bouquet in the car and my mood was ruined. We entered the hall and girls surrounded us. It is honestly so annoying. Everyone was trying to gain my attention my eyes longed to see someone else. I scanned my eyes through the crowd and found her standing near a table with her friends. Our eyes locked. We both were so lost in each other and how gorgeous she looked. She didn't have any makeup on nor an excessively fancy dress but she still looked ethereal.

Suddenly she tore her gaze away from me as two guys approached her group. Who the heck were they ? Istg if they try anything, ANYTHING at all, I'm gonna kill them. I couldn't see her anymore because the crowd around me was increasing and I was going to burst any moment. Finally the security walks in and the crowd disappears. When I look back trying to look for her, she isn't there. And the guys are laughing with their own group now. What happened ?

I rushed to her friends who looked sort of upset.

" Hi....why do you all look so upset ? Did something happen ? Who were those guys ?Where's Aria ? " I asked.

They all looked at each other, as if debating whether they should tell me or not.

" Look please tell us if anything has happened. We'll sort it out. " For the first time Felix spoke sense.

" Ummmm.....basically they were from our class only but we don't speak to them much. They came here on their own and..." Claire didn't continue and I know something serious happened.

"And ?" I was dead serious now.

"And they started randomly talking and then Luke asked Aria who's going to come from her family on our graduation day. Now I don't think you all know but she lost her parents last year in an unfortunate accident, Luke didn't know of this cause he joined this year. So before Aria could reply Blaze spoke up." Iris spoke hesitantly.

" Continue." I said.

" Then he said that don't you know that her parents passed away last year. It's very surprising how Aria survived. He was laughing and then he said that 'Aria did you plan this accident by the way because you didn't want them to come to the parent teacher meeting that year. Dman who plans to kill their own parents or did because they got to know of some secret boyfriend you have ?' He was laughing then I scolded him and Luke apologized because of what Balze said. He said that he wouldn't have asked if he knew Blaze would speak this way. " Enid told us. My blood was boiling now. Wtf gave him the right to speak like that and Istg if she has cried than I'm not going to spare him. I won't spare him anyways. I tried to keep my calm and listened further.

"Then Balze said that it wasn't something very bad he said and that he only joked and he told Aria she won't survive if she's that sensitive. Aria just murmured 'it's alright' and she went away outside towards the back garden. But we know she was deeply affected and I just hope she's not crying right now otherwise I'll kill that MF and then he went away. Luke suggested that he could go behind her but we stopped him so he joined his group. "

Although I don't know her enough yet but still I can't tolerate anyone speaking to her like that. I couldn't rage and be aggresive right now but I'll surely make sure he pays for his mistake.

I didn't wait anymore and I ran outside. But then I went towards my car and got the flowers and chocolate I got for her hoping it'll help improve her mood.

When I reached the back garden I saw her sitting alone on one of the benches. She was crying. The moonlight brightened her milky white face with her tears running down her cheeks to her collarbones. Her little pointy nose and eyes were now red and redness tingned her cheeks while she took little sniffs. I could hear her little sobs. She was crying and hurt but she still managed to look adorable. She was art. My heart ached to see her like that. I went near her and sat down. Aria seemed to sense my presence as she quickly wiped away her tears and rubbed her nose. She's so precious.

"Are you ok Aria ?" I choked out, trying hard myself not to cry. I just couldn't see her in pain. It kills me.

" Yes. I'm fine. " Her voice sounded so broke.

" Look I know what happened but you need to understand that he is a piece of shit and nothing that he says is true and it doesn't matter. " She wasn't even looking at me, she was staring at her lap.

" Aria look at me. " She looks up hesitantly and I could understand she was trying to hold her tears.

" None of this is your fault. People like him exist to make us feel this way but we have to ignore them. You need to beli...."

"But he's right you know. It is my fault. I had insisted that we go on a long drive that day. If it hadn't been for my stubborness then they would have been alive right now." She sounded so so hurt. I'm not gonna kill that piece of shit that easily....I'll make him suffer because of him she thinks this way. She's blaming herself because of what he said when she's not at all at fault.

I cupped her face and made her look towards me. She's so innocent. " Aria listen you can't blame yourself for whatever happened. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe it really was their time to go so it happened. It could have been due to some other reason as well just because you wanted to go for a drive doesn't mean anything. So please stop blaming yourself. I'm sure they are happy and proud of you. And if you blame yourself and stay sad like this then it'll hurt them too." It looked like she couldn't hold back anymore.

Something shocking happened and I froze. She hugged me. ARIA HUGGED ME AS SHE CRIED IN MY ARMS. Her arms tightly circled around my waist and her head on my chest. I slowly put my arms around her holding her tightly in my embrace not wanting to let go. I felt so happy, now I was sure she trusts me because I know that my baby doesn't cry in front of others but she did in front of me, she trusts me and she feels safe with me, it felt like I had just received the greatest award of my life. I felt like I found that missing part of my life. Just a simple hug from her made me feel complete. She was so delicate and she smelled heavenly. Her scent was my favourite scent now. I gently ran my fingers through her soft and silky hair and my other hand held her waist. I rested my head on her head. I never felt so much comfort and peace before. I gently rubbed her back until she calmed and her sobs stopped. She got away from me and she looked at my shirt.

"I'm so sorry. I ruined your shirt."

" Hmmmm there is a way you can pay for it. " I told her and she took it seriously. She's too cute.

"What ?" She asked.
"By giving me your breathtaking smile." I smiled at her and to my relief she smiled back.

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