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Unknown Pov... for now:

"He's distracted by this, girl. We have to get her."

"My men tell me her name is Y/n, Y/n Falcone." One of my workers said.

"Good, Carmine works for us. So does Crane, we'll get a location of her."

"Crane used the Toxin on her last night. Bruce came over and comforted her, she's at the Manor. My workers say she's in a guest bedroom on the south west wing."

"The Wayne kid?" I laughed menacingly. "Get them to bring her to me. Right now."


Y/n Pov

Bruce went out to Wayne enterprises with the sample. He told me to stay in a guest room and that'd he'd pick up some of my clothes on the way back.

I had a shower before going to read a book in bed. I'm so tired currently.

I heard a bang in the room next to mine and quickly shot up. I don't think that's Alfred. I quickly went to the empty wardrobe and got in.

The door to my room opened with a creak. Quiet footsteps came in before they shuffled around. Next thing I knew the wardrobe was slammed open and I was fighting some assassin or something. I was a good fighter but he was much better.

The men tied me up and knocked me out.


My eyes shuttered open as I heard buzzing, almost as if from a helicopter. There were two men in chairs watching in whatever room we were in.

"Where am I?" I asked. No answer, they just stared at me. "Listen I'm insured against kidnapping." They let out a chuckle before one of them reached over to a box and pulled out some bread.

The one with the bread looked to the other, he nodded so he walked over and put it near my mouth. "Open." The muffled voice said. I hesitated before opening my mouth. He put it in my mouth and I took a bite. I was fed like this until the bread was done.

I was then given a drink. I drank it all and shortly I fell unconscious again.


I woke up being carried by someone. I kept my eyes closed so they wouldn't notice.

"I can see you're awake, little one."

Just keep them closed.

The man let out a huff since I didn't react. I was carried up a big hill before being placed in a building on a wooden bench or something.

"This is her?"


"I can see what he sees in her."

"Father." A voice warned.

"She was having nightmares the whole time she was unconscious."

"Get me the antidote please. Is she awake?" The man asked, walking towards me.


"When you picked her up did she retaliate? How bad was her fighting?"

"She was very strong, sir, well trained just not as much as us."

"We'll train her to be and work for us." The man said before leaning down to my ear. "Ethier you work for us undercover or you die. Your choice."

A hand grabbed my face and dilted it up. "I'll do it." I said leaning away from his hand harshly.

"Good." He said, I sat up on the bench. "You're probably wondering where you are, you're on Infinity Island, my name is Ra's Al Ghul, this is my daughter Talia. You will be trained to be as strong as us. Once you're trained you will go back and work for us undercover. You will tell us everything about Bruce Wayne."

"Why Bruce?" I asked leaning back.

"You'll find out shortly, for now just do as we say and you'll be okay. Now you will sleep in the guest room, we can't have you in a packed room with men."

My phone started ringing from the man with the mask's pocket. He quickly passed it to Ra's.

"The sixth call from Bruce? Tell him you had a family emergency." Ra's clicked accept and put it on speaker.

"Y/n, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm sorry, Bruce. I had an emergency with a friend, I'll be back in town in a few days. I am gonna do the work online." I said as the people in the room stared at me.

"No it's okay, I'll book you off, call me if you need anything."

"Yeah for sure, bye Bruce." I said as they hung up.

"A week? That's not long enough."

"You'd be surprised at how fast of a learner I am. Plus can't you just like train me in Gotham? You have men there, they're trained."

"Fine. Bring her to her room to change. We'll have to start right away." Ra's said as I was dragged to a room then picked up and carried upstairs. They quickly cut the rope and locked the door.

"Have a shower then put on the clothes on the bed."

"Assholes." I whispered as I held my raw wrists. I walked over to the shower and undressed. I quickly took my shower then put on the shirt and pants that were set out. They were like black joggers with a black tank top and a black tight jacket for over top. I put my hair up in a ponytail then.

I walked back to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm so pathetic. I couldn't protect myself. Bruce is probably gonna leave or fire me. I'll probably be killed. I hate myself. Wish I was someone else. I hate the way I look, talk, think, I wish I was someone new. I wish I could just disappear. I'm such a burden.

Before I knew it my face was all red and puffy. My eyes were bloodshot and I was so drained.

"Hurry up!" A voice yelled from outside the room. I just stayed there, staring. This is my life. Within a minute the door was unlocked and people were filling the room. I looked to them then back at the mirror to me my sad excuse of self.

"Let's just get this over with, please."

I was taken out to a room that was like a optical corse type thing but 10 times more dangerous.

"Why is her face all red and puffy? What did you do?" Ra's asked looking to the men who escorted me.

"We did nothing, we found her like that."

"Is that true?" He asked looking at me. I nodded.

I'm so stupid. I fucked everything up. They hate me. I messed up so bad. I need to go. I'm just ruining their plan. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Fuck." I started crying having a meltdown.

You're so pathetic

"We'll wait until shes calm. Send her to the meditation room and get her medications and the antidote to the toxin. Along with some Lorazepam to calm her down."

I was then pushed to the meditation room and meditations were shoved down my throat. I just layed there for while until I felt better.


After about 30 minutes I was in a daze. The Lorazepam was working and I was out of it. I was way too calm and it was concerning but I felt with it. They gave me a small dose so it will be less overwhelming soon.

The door opened and it was one of the men. "Time to practice." I slowly got up and followed him out. We walked to the room we were in before.

"Okay we'll start now."

The next few hours I was tested at many things, I wasn't quite at my prime due to the drugs I was put on but I was still pretty good. They gave me feedback and I quickly took it.

I was then taken to a room and sat on the floor. I was given some sort of stew. It was pretty good.

A/n: I realized my original cast for the Al Ghuls was kinda foolish so I have re-casted to fit how it should've been.

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