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A knock came to my door before it opened.

"Miss Laurier if you'll come with me we will have your Therapy." Dr Crane said holding the door open.

I quickly got up, grabbed my journal and pencil and made my way to the hall. He shut the door and we started walking.

"How was your sleep?"

"I fell asleep fairly quickly but people were asleep aswell, so."

Dr Crane hummed. "Some nights patients will have outbursts and scream and cry. It ends fairly quickly, if not they get sedated and will end up asleep quickly."

"What room is my therapy in today?"

"It'll be on the floor my patients are on. Don't worry though, they're all locked away."

"I thought I was supposed to meet with you at two?" I questioned as we entered the elevator.

"Booked you for sooner." He said as he clicked the floor number. I nodded and went against the wall. Elevators make me somewhat nervous. "Are you alright Miss Laurier?"

"Yes, elevators are just a bit nerve racking."

"Claustrophobia?" He hummed

"No it's just I'm scared it will break and will fall super fast super far down." I explained as the elevator came to a stop and opened.

We walked through a few gates and eventually came to his room on this floor.

"This is my room." He huffed unlocking it and stepping around the desk to get to his seat. "Please sit."

I quickly sat down and one of the guards shut the door from the outside.

"So, I've read the description of what happened when you were in captive by Edward, how did that situation make you feel? Did you leave out any parts when discussing what happened?"

"I was scared I suppose. I mean I would've died. I wasn't as scared as a normal civilian would be though but that's because I've been kidnapped many times before, whether it was training by Falcone's men or just in general."

"Were your past kidnapping situations ever very traumatic? Do you ever have nightmares about it?" Jonathan asked as he scribbled down notes.

"At first they were scary but I've slowly gotten over the fear more and more. I've always gotten out okay. Came close to death too many times to count. I was more aroused at times for this kidnapping if I'm honest. And we kissed, that's the only thing I left out." I said before hiding my face in my hands.

"Must've been playing a dangerous game Miss Laurier." Dr Crane said trying to hide his blush as he shifted to try and make his now hard, member less noticeable.

"I've been playing a dangerous game my whole life, it just depends what role I choose." I sighed. "Am I the crying scared child, the alone orphan, the weapon, the damsel in distress, the hostage, the manipulater, manipulatee? It depends on which the circumstances are and which is the smartest. Is it safe to deal with the child part of me or do I have to shut down and be a weapon?"

"Do you ever dissociate Miss Laurier?"

"All the time."

He hummed before changing the topic. "You said that you have been kidnapped before, which one is the most prevalent to you? Like the one that made you the most fearful?"

"Oh uh," I sighed as my eyes started to water looking back, "I wasn't exactly kidnapped but um." I had to choke back my tears. "I'm sorry."

"Take your time miss Laurier." He said passing me a tissue box.

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