Chapter 39 - See beyond

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Author's note: This chapter was not fully revised, I'm sorry for any mistake

I wake up at half past four, I have to be at the training compound at five and I don't know where it is so I don't waist much time and get up, go to the bathroom, dress some sport clothes and head to the kitchen. There, I just drink a glass of water with lemon and eat a banana, I don't eat much because I'm a little afraid I'm going to threw up, I haven't trained in a couple of months and I don't know what's awaiting me.

I ask an employee where the training area was and she took me there. when I arrived, it was like a movie, the floor was made of wood and there were those gymnastics' mattresses on a part of it, I need to confess I was waiting for something more luxurious like a wall of guns or some electric things like P'Kinn has in the mansion, but no, here it was all very traditional and classic.

In the middle, there was an older man, probably in his fifty or sixty wearing a kimono, one much simpler than the one I used yesterday. When I entered, he immediately raised his eyes at me and gave me a soft smile, I was five minutes early so I hope that's a good thing.

"Come in, don't be shy." He says walking around

"Good morning." I say

"So you're the boy Yuki asked me to train..." he making me a signal to come closer to him "He said he expects great things from you... You also killed his brother... tell me about that day..." he asks grabbing a wood stick from the ground

"Do I really need to?" I ask a bit shaken.

"Start talking boy!" he says hitting the stick on the floor.

"It was around six in the morning, I got out of my room to grab some snacks like I always did... Itsuki used to get drunk at night so he was always asleep at that time and it was safe for me, but that day was different, Itsuki was there, I think he was still a little bit drunk and when he saw me he was upset because P'Kim and Matteo came to rescue me that day..." I can feel myself starting to shake and becoming more nervous at every word I say "Itsuki... he tried to take advantage of me... he said he wanted to mark me in ways so I could never forget him..." I'm already crying and shaking, I don't want to do this, I don't want to tell this to some random person I've never met "Look I really appreciate that Yuri asked you to train me but I don't want to talk about, I..."

"Listen boy, either you talk or can leave because we don't have all day..." he says and I start going in the direction of the door, I wasn't going to stay here like this "But if you leave, you can say goodbye to everything you want to accomplish, you can say goodbye to this training..." I stop and turn around

"He scratch my belly and tried to rape me more than once... when Matteo and P'Kim arrive he did some kind of demonstration of power and bite me... my shoulder... it was so deep I still have scars of both of those things..." I say between sobs "After he did that, he was going to kill me... in front of them... but P'Kim put himself in front of me and he was the one shot..." I take a deep breath to see if I can calm myself down a bit "Then... it was almost automatic, I saw P'Kim laying on the ground, grabbed is gun and I... I... killed Itsuki with a shot in the head... but I was afraid he was going to come back so... I shot him until the gun was empty..." and now I'm just a mess of tears and more tears

"Here." the man says giving me a tissue with a comforting smile that doesn't comfort me "I'm sorry that happened to you, I trained Itsuki to be invincible but I never thought he would be so cruel." I look at him "Now that we got this of the way let's start, there's a lot of work that needs to be done. what did they teach you in Thailand?" I'm a bit confused, he made me say all of this and now nothing happens? I don't understand but I just follow

"I haven't trained for about two months but I can shoot and I still know a bit of personal defence but not much." I explain still cleaning my tears

"Alright then, let's see what you can do!" he says and automatically changing into fighting mode and attacking me with the stick

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