Chapter 3 - On my way

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I knew the look on the boy's face, even with the smile, he seemed sad, broken.

"Chay, I missed you so much, how are you? Did you have good grades? What about university?" P'Pete started shooting a bunch of questions, but I was still looking at the boy, trying to remember his name. I knew it was a city, but there are a lot of cities in the world. "Chay?"

Sorry, P'Pete, I'm okay, I had good grades, and I'll find out about university in the next few weeks. But, how about you?" I asked

"Oh, I'm good. It's Vegas's last day in the hospital, so we are excited to return home. Vegas, stop looking at the kid with those eyes, I'm just hugging him."

"Sah wah dee khrap P'Vegas, it's good that you are returning home." I said, trying to sound my nicest, but he terrified me. He really looks like a villain from some mafia show with his chin and his looks. I knew he wouldn't do anything to me, but he still scared me.

"Thank you, Chay." he said nicely

"Chay, I completely forgot to introduce you to Macau..." That's right, his name was Macau. "He is Vegas's younger brother. I think you guys went to the same high school, so maybe you've already seen each other."

"We weren't in the same class, but I've seen him around." Macau said and then returned to his cell phone, probably playing a game

"This kid..." P'Pete said a little sad "So Chay, what story is this that Porche told me about Khun Tay training you?"

For some reason, after P'Pete said that P'Vegas seemed to start paying attention to our conversation.

"I wanted Hia to train me, but he started panicking, so P'Tay intervened and offered himself to help me." I explained

"You could have asked me, Porchay, I would have trained you!" P'Pete said

"Well, with your boyfriend in the hospital, I didn't want to disturb you. You already have a lot on your plate, and I'm a little afraid of you training me to be honest." I said a bit shy, and P'Vegas gave me a little smirk

"Having Tay train, you isn't going to be much different. He doesn't fight like Pete, but if he trained for that, he could." We all looked at him curiously. "I don't know the full story. I just remember that in my first year at university there were all these rumours about him. People used to say that he was the definition of a small wolf because he was cute but lethal. So good luck! I think you'll need it, Porchay."

Now I'm a little bit afraid of tomorrow. I thought it was going to be fun, but it looks like I'm really going into the military. But now that PVegas has compared P'Tay to a wolf, I can really see the resemblance. P'Tay was always calm and analysing everything and everyone around him, he was really beautiful, like a white-furred wolf.

"After you start training with him, you could come train with me and Macau too. I'm training him because he is a lazy bastard."

"Hey!" Macau said "I heard that, and Porchay, don't come it's like hell. You're better off with..." I was thinking of something to say "Well, with what P'Vegas said, I think we are both screwed." As soon as he finishes saying that, P'Pete throws him a pillow.

Language, young man!"

"Sorry P'" Macau answers

"P' I should get going. It's starting to get late, and I said I'd have dinner with Hia and P'Kinn." I said getting close to the door

"Ok, but don't be a stranger, Chay, you can pop up at the second family anytime. You can come meet Macau so that you become friends." Macau looked at me when P'Pete said that, but I just smiled at him. I don't mind having new friends, and he sure seems like he could use one.

On the way home, it was just me and the driver. It was always the same person driving me, but we never talked except for the times I told him to stop calling me Khun Porchay because I didn't feel comfortable with it. As soon as I arrived home, I got to my room, and I took a shower so I could be more loose. I go down for dinner, and even my mother is there.

After Porche and I found out that Mother was alive, we started to visit her every day, trying to make her recognise us as her sons, but I don't think she has arrived at that conclusion yet. I think she knows we are important people in her life, and that is enough for me. Just having her close to me is enough, I have very few memories of her, and I couldn't believe when Hia told me she was alive. It made me so happy but also a bit sad that all this time she had been here and we couldn't be with her.

That is one of the reasons I don't like Khun Korn, he had hidden my mother from us, and even if Hia didn't tell me the story, whatever it was, it was wrong and he shouldn't have done it. I know Hia doesn't trust him, and I also know he is plotting something. That's one of the secret reasons I want to train so I can help him with his plan, so I won't be a liability like last time, and they won't need to hide me.

Dinner was quiet. I talked to mom, even though she doesn't answer me, but I like to tell her about my life. Maybe this is a bit strange because she doesn't recognise me as her son, but to me she is my mom, and I really missed her all these years. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if she had been with us, would we be sitting at this table? Or would Dad have taught Hia how to run the car company? He probably would have, and by now Hia would be an important businessman.

Well, there is no value in thinking about this now I should just be grateful that my mother is alive and that I and P' have a nice roof over our heads. Although that doesn't seem like enough, I don't know what is leading me to think like this, and all this situation is just very strange.

I shake my head off those thoughts and start thinking about tomorrow. I'm really afraid I'm going to die of exhaustion, but I'm also anxious for how it's going to be, and I'm even more anxious for Friday night.

I don't know where P'Tay is going to take me, but I'm sure it's going to be fun he looks like someone who knows how to have fun, and maybe I meet some cute strangers that can help me forget P'Kim. But here I am again thinking about him, it looks like he just stalks me in my mind. It's so annoying.

This time I'm remembering our first kiss, it was simple, soft, and full of feelings for me. The day I confessed myself to him, his answer was a kiss. He kissed me softly at first, just a peck on my lips, but as he saw that I didn't back off, he kissed me more and more, and then our hands started touching each other's bodies. It was the first kiss of my dreams.

We never moved on from the kissing and some sloppy hands, I wasn't ready for that, and I still don't think I am ready now. The idea of kissing another person who isn't P'Kim is just so strange, but at the same time so tempting. I don't know what I'm saying. I just want to have fun, and if that involves kissing some stranger, then so be it.

I finally went to sleep after thinking too much about everything. I was also getting a growing desire to write a new song, something different from my previous one. Something with more rhythm

When I woke up that morning, it was really early, 5 a.m. and all I wanted to do was get back to sleep, but I couldn't. So, I gathered all the strength that I had in me and forced myself to get up and go to the bathroom. After that, I went to the kitchen to eat something light, and P'Tay was already waiting for me there.

"Ready for hell, kid?" He said it with an expression I think I'll never forget in my life, and that made me reconsider my life choices.

Nevertheless, there are times in our lives that demand that we be brave and gather all our will to complete the journey because, in the end, we will be pleased with the results. This is the journey to heal my broken heart, and I know it's not going to be an easy one, but in the end, I'm going to be grateful because I don't want to feel like trash anymore. I want to be confident in myself. I want to have power. I need to stop being everyone's baby and start being a bad bitch.

Author's note: Hello, how are you today? Hope you are fine and also enjoying the story. I'm trying to keep my promise of posting everyday and so far I'm doing it, even if only three days have passed. I know that not much happened in this chapter, but I promise in the next one things will start to roll. Don't forget to comment and tell me your opinion :-)

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