Chapter - 74 Can you stay with me?

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There is one pain, I often feel, which you will never know. It's caused by the absence of you.

~ Ashleigh Brilliant

Flashback continued...

After coming from the hospital, Ernest and Ruhi said good night and went to their respective rooms..

Despite being tired, Ernest was not able to sleep, he was thinking again and again why Bindu had spoken against his mother like this? Because he had never heard a bad word from Meera's mouth against Bindu or anyone because his mother is only angry with her father about the orphanage but till date she has never spoken bad about her father in front of anyone. So what wrong with that Bindu as she is bad mouthing about his mother?

Since he was feeling restless and couldn't sleep, he picked up his laptop from the couch and started working to clear his mind of useless thoughts.

After working for a few hours, he felt thirsty and looked at the side table of his bed as the jug was kept empty. He picked up the jug and went outside.
As he was walking towards the stairs, his eyes fell on the door of the guest room where Ruhi was staying. He didn't know how unknowingly he started going there and now he was standing near that door. When he caught the latch of the door, he found that the door was open.

He called her name before going inside. But seeing no response, a wave of uneasiness ran over his heart and he hastily went to her room only to find that she was not there. He looked in the bathroom but she was not there either. Ernest became more and more restless and quickly went looking for her in every rooms but she was not there either. He went downstairs to find her and found her lying on the sofa in the living room hugging the cushion pillow tightly. He went near her and saw that she was sweating profusely and she was mumbling something in her dream.

He leaned down and placed her hand on her shoulder while calling her, "Ruhi..."

"Don't touch me!" She Shouted, jerking his hand and woke up from her sleep.

His eyes widened at the sight of her as she was trembling tremendously. He straightened up and took a few steps away from her seeing her condition as she was not looking comfortable.

Ruhi looked up at him and now her eyes widened up like alarm seeing him standing there before her. She can easily see in his eyes worriedness for her.

"Ruhi, what happened?" He asked looking at her.

"N.. Nothing," She said avoiding his gaze on her and wiped her sweat from her stole which was placed on the table.

He looked at her for a while and observed as she was trying her best to look normal in front of him.

"What are you doing here, then?"

"That... I... I mean ...I was not able to sleep, so I came downstairs to watch TV, but I do not know when I got asleep," She answered again looking around.

His eyes fell on the TV which was off and he again looked at her, who was now wearing her slippers to run away from here. He got understand that she was lying, looking at her nervousness.

"Good night," she said, looking at him with a small smile so that he would not be suspicious, and began to leave, avoiding his further questions.

As she started to leave, he grabbed her left wrist and pulled her towards his chest as her back was now touching his well-built body. He bent down near her right ear, still holding her left wrist from behind and was sending goosebumps in her body, "Now, tell me the truth, Ruh!"

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