CH. FIVE _ [Maya]

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My body could have done with a really good massage at the moment.

As I unloaded the dryer, I sighed knowing 'laundry' was the last thing on my to do list for the day.

My phone rang in my dress pocket. I pulled it out to see the caller ID. Loretta.

Before picking up, I walked to the door and popped my head out of the laundry room, looking down both sides of the hallway for any sign of life. It was clear.

Staff were not allowed to answer phone calls while on duty.

"Hey, Loretta, I'm still at work. Could you call later?" I said, proceeding with my laundry.

"It'll only be a minute, I promise. Next week's Wednesday is your day off, right?" The liveliness of the diner could be heard over the phone.

"Yeah, it is." And oh how I'd been looking forward to it knowing Vincent would be working all day.

"I need a favor, honey. You can tell me if it's too much to ask. Lord knows you need the rest."

I did, I really did. "What do you need?"

"Mateo's dentist appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday. Nine am to ten am. I've been rescheduling for a week now, and his toothache is only getting worse. I wouldn't ask if I could have managed it."

"You're a busy mama trying to uphold your predecessor's legacy, so I understand. I'll take him."


I couldn't help but smile at the relief in her voice. "Really."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" Her big smile was audible through the phone.

"Yes, yes. Now please let me get back to work before I'm fired."

"Alright. Oh and Maya?"


"Get that damn job for crying out loud." She released a dramatic huff before hanging up.

"Over my dead body," I said, to no one in particular as I tucked away my phone.

I hoisted the heavy clothes hamper onto my hip and turned.

"Oh my God!" The hamper nearly fell from my startled grip and I had to grasp the damn thing with both hands.

Leaning against the doorway was Rowan Ravenhood, her gray eyes piercing right through me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

She didn't look apologetic at all, if anything she looked mildly upset.

My eyes swiftly dropped to her wide shoulders. "That's okay." I started to step toward the door, but her hand moved to grip the frame, blocking my escape. My heart began to race against time.

Her expression still hadn't changed. And then realization hit me.

I could barely contain the pleading in my voice. "Is this because of the phone call? I promise it was just this one time. I've never-"

"What's your deal with me?"

"I'm sorry?"

Her strong jaw went tight. "You know what I mean."

For a second I was genuinely baffled. But in the next, I stuck with pretending I didn't know what she was talking about.

Still, the unfaltering challenge in her gaze was enough to make me reconsider.

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked away. "I don't like the way you look at me."

When I looked back at her, a stunned look seemed to have been slapped across her face, confused bewilderment darkening her eyes.

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