Chapter 17

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Your POV:

Jimins look of wide-eyed panic is something I've grown accustomed too, but this time it actually feels good to see that expression on him.

"Uh, guys?" Namjoon unsurely calls, the alarm in his voice increasing with each word "-why can I see her, and why is she glowing?"

Jimin glances down to the familiar checkpoint achievement glow, completely unfazed by it now. Huh, maybe I should've kissed him sooner.

However, our hands are no longer touching. Not even grazing past since we pushed each other away after the kiss. But Namjoon can see me?

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I ask, just to check.

He looks to my hands and confidently answers "three."

Jimin nearly falls over as his disbelieving gaze bounces back and forth between Namjoon and my three held up fingers.

Well, I guess thats that.

Jimins phone rings, that same song which I can only assume is his favourite, plays at the loudest volume imaginable.

"Sorry, I have to take this," he mumbles as his finger slides across the screen.

It's honestly disorienting to understand each word as he speaks rather than only a beat later understanding his words.

He leaves the living room for his own bedroom to have the coversation in private, leaving me alone with Namjoon now.

His widened eyes bounce around the room and his foot taps on the floor repeatedly.

"Do you have something you want to ask me?" I ask.

He sharply turns my way, looking absolutely animated, like this 70 year old kid I met once in the underworld who reunited with his dog who'd passed away years before.

"Oh god yes," he blurts out "...sorry is it rude to say 'god' in your presence?"

Finally, someone who pays attention to my status.

"Not at all, ask away."

He leans in a little closer, excitement brimming every feature on his face.

Yea see, this is the type of reaction I expected upon introducing myself to Jimin.

But then his excitement falters. Huh, maybe I spoke too soon.

"To tell you the truth... I worry about Jimin alot. Our group is filled with meticulous workaholics, but Jimins the hardest on himself yet he'll always say he's fine."

I could see that. Clearly, if it wasn't obvious enough, Jimin isn't one whos very open about the difficult feelings in life.

Constantly being under the publics scrutiny and needing to keep up the celebrity image doesn't make it any easier either. Sort of makes you wonder where exactly the line between work and rest lies. Or if there even is a line anymore.

"After getting our own places, y'know I worry even more that he'd let his thoughts consume him. For awhile it seemed my theory was correct but then somewhere over a month ago he started to change a little."

A month ago? Like, when I arrived in his room month ago?

Namjoon chuckles to himself, "he showed up frazzled, his hair was all over the place and his shirt on backwards." Namjoon scrunches up his hair in an attempt to recreate Jimins burnt bedhair look.

"He was a mess," he sighs as a famillial sort of warmth washes over his features"-But for the first time in a long time, Jimin complained about his life and vented about how tough it gets sometimes."

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