Chapter 16

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Jimin POV:

Namjoon has a notebook and pen tightly clutched in hand as we head to my new place. He's been pestering me since forever to meet her again.

I don't get the hype, I mean.. I guess I kinda do-ish? Not really, no.

I grab hold of the door handle and pause as I turn to face him. "Please don't treat her like a science experiment and did you purposely wear that shirt?"

Namjoon looks down to his navy button up shirt, one with the buttons holding on for dear life near his pectorals.

"Nah, most of my clothes just barely fit since I started working out more seriously."

"You're a multimillionaire... you can buy new clothes."

He nods with a knowing smile pulling at his lips, "I know, but the fans usually go wild when I wear my old clothes. It's more fun this way."

Namjoon... namjoon... namjoon...

I visibly sigh while shaking my head and he goes into defence mode.

"Don't act like you don't do these type of things too. Remember your "accidents" on stage."

He's referring to the one or two ....maybe more, times in which my jacket slipped of my shoulders when dancing by pure coincidence. Really an unintentional move. Gravity should be blamed.

"Those were really accidents," I protest but then the door seems to disappear from my hold, being yanked inwards and causing me to lose my balance.

The perpetrator is none other than her, pulling the door wide open. She mouths an apology while welcoming Namjoon in, with her hand grazing the ends of my fingers so she's visible to him.

Right, time to get the translation device out again. I place it in my ear and I'm greeted by my least favourite notification from any technological device.

"Low battery, 1% remaining."

I shut the door behind us and kick off my shoes. The duo are already incredibly immersed in their own conversation.

"I'm gonna go charge this, so yea just... continue ignoring me in my own house. I'll be back."

Yup, no response, he's fascinated by how she disappeared right in front of him. Still, I suppose it's not a bad thing, she's finally made a human friend here.

I yawn as I walk back to the living room, finding the two now seated on the couch facing one another. Her hands cupping his face and his cupping the back of her head as they lean in- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!

Sprinting over my hand slams right between their faces before their lips could meet. With the back of my hand touching her chin, she should be visible to all of us now.

"Hyung, what d'you think you're doing?"

A sputtering Namjoon shoves my hand out of his face and quickly regains composure.

"It's not what you think, she asked me to."


My gaze flickers between the both of them, has something been going on while I'm not around? But I'm always around, that would be impossible.

Namjoon clears his throat, "uh... well I guess you don't know but she said that she can learn the language of others through certain forms of contact, mainly a kiss."

My whole head swerves to her, over a month of living together and she never once thought to tell me that? There are dozens of situations we could've avoided.

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