I need a blanket for my heart

3 1 0

[22.01.23 3:14 am]

I had to let you go this time

But what will hold me warm now in the cold days?

When snow is falling from the nightsky?

My feet are freezing,

My skin has become thinner

And I'm afraid my heart is slowly freezing too

We used to warm each other under the blankets, cuddling

And heat each other's hearts with memories, warm touch and silly giggles

It's all gone a long long time ago

I'm afraid the memories already start fading now

It's time

And I'm sitting here at 3 am. in your old hoodie in an attempt to keep myself warm or maybe my heart

I don't want my heart to freeze

And I'm missing what we had and it still hurts that these good times will never come back

Days pass by and all days look the same

Where you once occupied my entire heart is left a little void,
Right in the middle of my vital bloodpumping muscular organ

I feel like part of my soul is missing

I'm seeing you in the way I talk

and in the way I light my friends' cigarettes first now before lighting mine

In a way you're never really gone because a little part of you lives in me and occupies my mind anyways

It's really over this time

And I am feeling emptier than ever.

Memoires of an everchanging spiritTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon