Possum Queen.//

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Possum Queen by Rainbow Kitten Surprise//

- Soul song resonating with me -


I feel like a cat pulling strings,

think I unraveled my mind

I dropped a mouse into the sink,

just to watch it climb out

then took it to the woods and said:

"you're free"

You'll be living like this for a while now

you're free

for a while now

at least?

You say cupid,
I say comet,
You say wallace,
I say gromit
You brought it back when I said you promised
to just call the whole thing off, please

You stay needy,
I stay friendless
You stay pristine,
I stay pretentious
We'd get married
But it's too expensive.
Let's call the whole thing off, please

This ain't happening to me -
Said by popular decree
Possum Queen, by law
She's been building up estates in east L.A -


Is this your first time? That's sweet
Say "hello" to looking forward to me
If I could set your mind at ease
This will last forever..

And when it doesn't,
Love it for what it is
Don't miss it the way I do
The way I used to

If you love it,
love it for what it's been
Don't miss it
Don't wish it back
Don't wish it'd last

'Cause if it doesn't
love it for what it is
Don't miss it the way I do

Don't miss it

Don't miss it...

...the way..

...I miss you.

Memoires of an everchanging spiritKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat