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           —BABY GIANNI—

               —BABY GIANNI—

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        It's been six months since I left Lorenzo and I wish I could say that in that time I moved on but I still think about him everyday wondering if he's moved on from me or if he was still looking for me. I've been getting the feeling that I've been watched lately but Damon makes sure to try to keep me as safe as possible we both got small part time jobs to keep a steady flow of money and to keep us busy. With everything that's been going on it's been taking a toll on my body I feel exhausted all the time but I continue to push forward and try to eat healthy and get enough sleep. I got a job at a small restaurant on the beach while Damon got a job at a small surf shop a few buildings down from me we get off at the same time so we can go home at the same time during the night we have been trying to track down Aleksei before he finds me but so far we have been unsuccessful.
     Today was a normal day Damon and I plan to go to work and after we hit the beach up for a small swim and just walk around talking to the locals that have started to recognize us. Everyone in the small community was very sweet and took me and Damon in as their children considering most of this community is fifty plus in their age. Damon drops me off at the small restaurant before heading down to open up shop once I walk inside I see Beth and John the owners of the restaurant already here and setting everything up for today. "I told you two that y'all needed sometime off and that I would take over today." I frown as I sit my bag down on the counter top. John looks over at me from the grill with a large smile before shaking his head. "No can do kid I think we love the place to much to want a day off." He jokes but Beth scoffs while counting the money in the register. "What he means to say is that Tiffany and Ryan called off last minute this morning so we're stuck working today." She gives me a pointed look before rolling her eyes and mumbling something about them lazy bastards I just laugh shaking my head and start taking chairs off the tables. It was summer in Florida which meant the heat didn't come to play any games this was my first time living here so I wasn't used to the heat it's just built different here thank god Beth lets us wear shorts with our waitress shirts to work so the heat isn't as bad.
        After a few minutes of setting chairs down I started to get a sharp shooting pain in my lower back making me stop and grip the table to steady myself. The pain only last for a few minutes before it's gone thinking I just pinched a nerve or something I don't think to much into it before going back to what I was doing, but not to long after the pain returns but this time it feels like my lower back was burning the pain is so bad that it takes my breath away but just like the other one it eventually went away after a few minutes. John and Beth were busy in the back and haven't noticed me yet and if they seen me in this state they would make me go home and it was nothing but some back pains I shake it off and continue to push forward. "Catalina sweetie can you go get the alcohol restock out the back please." I shake my head with a smile and make my way into the storage room with the list. I started reading off the different drinks as Im grabbing the bottles we need but when my back pain comes back ten times worse then before I couldn't help but loosen my grip on the bottle and cry out in pain as it drops to the ground and shatters onto the floors. I can hear Beth and John running to where I was John starts to immediately clean up the glass off the floor as I was mumbling sorry as Beth was helping me sit down on a crate as she started to rub my back soothingly. "I think it would be best if you went home sweetie maybe even go to the doctor to make sure everything is okay with you I'm sure all this stress isn't good for you." She soothes me as she runs her hands down my hair in a motherly way making me feel better. "I'll call Mateo and have him pick you up there overstuffed at the surf shop anyway Bill wont mind." John says while dumping the broken glass into the trash can and grabbing the phone dialing the surf shop. Another sharp wave of pain shot through my back but I held it together not making a sound so they don't over react and have an ambulance waiting outside for me. The conversation between Damon and John was short before he was hanging up and coming back over to me. "He is on the way kid get your bag and go home and rest." He gives me a kiss on top of the head before shooing me off and I make sure to take my time and slowly wake my way to the front door where I can see Damon pulling up and getting out the car. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked in concern looking over my body for a kind of damage. John and Beth come up behind me and fill Damon in on what happened making me feel like a small child I let out a groan and make my way to the car getting in and ignoring their stares. They all talk a bit longer and the pain becomes more frequent and painful I bite my lip to keep from crying out but it soon resides thank god I don't know how much longer I can go on like this but I also don't want to take my chances of getting noticed if I go to the hospital. Damon finally climbs into the car and looks over at me I let out a sigh and look over a him. "I'm fine really can we just go home I just need to lay down." I groan feeling my body start to heat up I quickly lean over and turn on the a/c and let it blow out cold air onto me making me feel better. He doesn't put up a fight but shakes his head and driving off back to the house. The drive isn't long at all but with the constant pain coursing through my body the drive felt like it took days and once we pulls into the driveway I didn't even give him a chance to turn the car off before I was already making my way into the house headed straight for my shower I knew the water would ease the pain some.  
     Once I was in the bathroom I locked the door and strip out of my clothes in a hurry climbing into the shower letting the ice cold water hit my skin cooling off my scorching body. The wave of pain that hits me makes my knees go weak causing me to lay down on my back on the shower floor the wave of pain that hits this time is so intense I couldn't help but cry out it kept coming in short waves before it wasn't so frequently but now they gradually started to get closer and closer together it started to make me worried that something was actually wrong with me. I started to get the urge to push and I didn't know why but the feeling was so strong that my body started to push for me not sure what was going on I did what my body wanted. When I pushed the first time it felt like my body was being ripped apart while being set on fire but for some reason my body was telling me to push again and I did but this time the pain came in ten folds causing me to scream out and push as hard as I could. Damon was at the door knocking rapidly trying to open it but I ignore him and push again this time I use as much strength as I can to push this time I felt something leave my body making me feel lighter and the urge to push subsided. The sound of the door breaking down doesn't distract me from whats laying in front of me on the shower floor a baby boy with his umbilical cord still attached I quickly pick him up and hold him to my chest as he lets out a loud cry Damon quickly recovers and looks over at me with wide eyes not understanding what is actually going on and I don't either but he recovers faster then I do and runs into another room bringing me back a large tee shirts and getting a towel and wraps it around the baby while I over myself up but he wasn't even fazed with seeing me naked. I stay laying on the shower floor not having the energy to move and Damon places the baby back on my chest before leaving to get his phone and returns back and dials 911. I kept my eyes on the baby mesmerized by how beautiful he is from his black curly hair that is on his little head all the way down to his little toes I was already obsessed but I just don't know how this happened I was on birth control and didn't even show any signs of being pregnant yet here we are I feel like I'm in a fever dream. Damon stays on the phone wit the operator for a Short time before hanging up and kneels down beside me. "Well this day just got a whole lot more interesting don't you think?" He smile at me before getting a good look at the baby he runs his large hand over his little head. "Did you know you were pregnant?" He asked still looking at the baby I shook my head feeling unable to talk due to feeling my self slip into darkness I can hear Damon calling out to me but it started to sound distant before everything went black.

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