New Trainer

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I drop the towel in my hand, Ace spits out the water he is drinking, and Blue stares hard at Carter.

"Oh no," Carter mumbles.

"So, I just... I just... I didn't really overpower you, did I?" Ace asks Carter, still in shock.

Carter struggles, not knowing what to say, closing and opening his mouth like a fish out of water.


"It's okay. You don"t have to lie. I understand," Ace walks away, mumbling something along the lines of, "I still overpowered Alex,"

I give him a deadpan look, which he completely ignores as he walks away. I turn towards Carter and see him getting inside the ring with Blue.

"When did this happen? I look away for two seconds, and you decide to fight?"

"I want to see how powerful he is," Blue says, warming up.

"You do not want to challenge him," Asher intercedes, "He is a champion, making him just as powerful as Don,"

"It will be good practice for me then," Blue says, looking at Carter.

Carter has a determined expression, very different from his usual grin. He looks like a tiger about to jump on its prey. If Asher says he is just as powerful as The Don, I want to see him fight.

"Carter, go easy on my baby brother," Asher says, but it is more like a warning that screams, 'Hurt him, and you are dead,'

"Jeez, he is a talented fighter, so he does not need his older brother babying him,"

"Fight me with everything you've got. I want to see if I can stand against the Don,"

Carter smiles.

"Ready, and FIGHT,"

Ace and Adora join me just as Blue and Carter start circling each other, and Adora has a bag of popcorn. Where did she get that?

"I knew something was off about you when you tackled me to the floor when I was trying to scare you from behind. Why didn't you tell me?" blue questions.

"The champion's identity should not be revealed. It's an unspoken rule in underground fighting," Carter steps forward, about to punch August, but just as he steps forward, he steps back.

August looks at him in confusion and steps forward, trying to close the distance between them.

Taking the close proximity between them as an advantage, Carter punches August. Just in time, August turns sideways and brings his left hand to shield his face, Carter's punch landing on his hand. Within a blink of an eye, August punches Carter's stomach using his left hand.

As Carter doubles over in pain, August lifts his right knee to hit Carter in the face. Carter moves back in time and avoids the attack.

"Wow, amazing reflex," Ace whistles. It's good he moved back, or else August would have broken his nose.

"This match is going to end exactly ten seconds from now," Asher says, walking up to us.

"Ten seconds? What do you mean?" I ask, not believing him. August is strong. Ten seconds is not going to be enough to beat him.

"Do you know what is Carter's ring name?"

Every underground fighter has a ring name, something to recognise them with. August is 'The Blue King', and I am called the 'Ruthless Queen'.


"He is called, 'Occasio' which means chance in Latin. He will give only one chance to the opponent to beat him. Once his opponent fails, he deems him unworthy and defeats his opponent within the next ten seconds using his special move,"

"His special move?" Adora questions. Asher motions his head towards the ring, "It is better to watch,"

They stare at each other, waiting to see who will make the first move.

Carter steps in, making August take a step back, and then August steps in and lifts his left leg to kick Carter, but Carter steps back, does a 180-degree turn, extends his right leg, and side-kicks August.

Carter's feet meet the side of Augusts's face, and he falls from the force and impact. I am pretty sure August is knocked out.

I glance at Adora, and she looks like she is about to faint. Ace is still shocked that Carter let him push him to the ground. Asher looks smug like he already knew August would lose.

And me? I am sure I can't win against The Don. If Carter, who is just as powerful as Don, can end the fight within a minute, I am sure The Don will end me in ten seconds.

I run towards the ring to see if Blue is alright, and he looks like he is sleeping peacefully. I lift his head and already see a bruise forming. Asher takes a seat next to me and splashes water on his face. Blue groggily wake up and looks around, and when he looks at Carter, he sighs.

"I got pulverised, didn't I?" He asks, slowly sitting up.

"Ye-" He glares at Asher, "No," Asher quickly changes his answer and hastily gets up to leave. Blue smirks as he extends his leg, tripping Asher and making him fall.

Carter chuckles at their antics and helps Asher up.

"Carter," I call sweetly, and he peeks at me suspiciously.

"So, how about I buy you 100 packets of skittles?" I ask, smiling sweetly.

"YAYY. Wait," He looks at me sceptically. "Why do I feel like there is something more?"

"If you promise to train me," I get straight to the point.

He puts his hands out and looks at his right hand, then his left, like he is thinking about the pros and the cons of this situation.

"Deal, but only if you add one week of Mcdonald's along with it," He beams.

"Deal," I smirk, and we shake hands.

"No deal," Asher interrupts, smacking Carter on his head.

"Owie, what was that for?" He asks, massaging his head.

"Champions cannot reveal their identity, and they absolutely cannot train another fighter," He states.

"Okay, first of all, you were the one who revealed my identity, and second of all. Nobody knows me here," He grins.

Asher looks at me, and I give him my best puppy eyes.

"What about August?" Asher asks.

"You are the best person to train him," Carter says, and a knowing look passes between them. Am I missing something? Asher sighs and nods his head.

"Alright, but go easy on her,"

"You got it, boss,"

"So, my dear trainee, run 50 laps around the gym," Carter smirks evilly, putting his hand around my shoulder.

Oh no, I think I just signed a deal with the devil.


Here is another chapter my lovely readers. I am trying my best to be productive and write a chapter every two days, which is very hard considering I am in my final year of college... sigh... I can do this. I will try to write more often and publish a chapter foe you guys. Thank you for your constant support. Special thanks to Nameless3377 for always supporting me. I love you. Jesus loves you. Take care.

Love 😍

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