You can't do this

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He looks at me, completely shocked. I slap a hand over my mouth. Tell me I did not just say that. Please tell me that I did not just say that. Argh. I am stupid.

Does he look like he is about to cry? Is he that happy that I called him Blue? He is the one who told me never to call him that again. I close my eyes and take deep breaths to compose myself. I don't want to blurt out stuff like that again.

"Let's just start the project," I inform him, take a seat on his bed and bring out all the necessary materials.

"I brought painkillers. Eat something and take them. It will reduce the swelling," He says, handing me a piece of tea cake. I hesitantly accept it.

"I didn't poison it," He chuckles, and I look away, embarrassed.

"I am sorry for hurting you," He mumbles, and I thought he was speaking about what happened two years ago.

"I might have punched you a little too hard," Oh, he is talking about the fight.

"It's not something that I can't endure. I have gotten hurt like this multiple times. You don't have to worry about me," I wave him off.

As I look at him, he has swelling on the right side of his face. It's not like my punches were weak either. But there is a more visible bruise on his right temple. I usually avoid hitting people with elbows because it hurts so bad and leaves a huge bruise. But fighting against Blue was different. I wanted to win. I wanted to prove that I am not the same person from two years ago.

"I am sorry about hitting you with my elbow," I apologize. Why the hell am I apologizing? We were opponents in a fight. My mouth is blurting out stuff that I don't want to say out loud. He looks shocked that I am apologizing. I know. I am shocked myself, okay?

"Here," He hands me the painkiller and his water bottle. I look at him, confused.

"Not to be offensive or anything. We are not friends, and sharing a water bottle is not something I like to do with strangers,"

A look of hurt crosses his features, and I suddenly feel awful. He nods and leaves the room to bring me a glass of water.

I lie down and cover my eyes with the palm of my hands. Why is he acting like he is hurt? He is the one who cut me off. He has no right to get hurt after everything he did.

A stray tear escapes my eye. Seeing Blue after two years. I am surprised I didn't cry sooner. And him acting like this is really taking a toll on my mental health.

I sit up and wipe my tears. I am not that same weak person anymore. I changed, and I don't cry easily, especially not for people who treated me like trash. Our friendship ended two years ago, and it's going to stay that way.

I don't want to get hurt all over again. I can't.

August comes in with a glass of water. I accept it and take the pain killer. We start working on the project, only talking about studies and the materials needed to finish the project.

We finish the project, and I gather my things and get up. Should I say bye or see you later or thanks? What should I say as I leave? Before I know it, I am opening the front door. I turn around a say bye to Arrow, who barks at me. I crouch down to pet Arrow and stand up. I nod at him, and before I could leave,

"I am sorry for everything, Dove. Everything. It was good to see you again," He smiles and closes the door.

What? I stand there frozen, looking at the closed door. Dove. I am hearing that after such a long time. This is irritating. What is he trying to do? One minute he hates me, and the other, he is apologizing. He is hurt when I call us strangers. He acts like it was my fault that we separated. I can't do this. I need to relieve the tension. I pick up my skateboard and head to the twin's house. It starts raining. The rain soaks my clothes, but I don't care. I can't feel the water droplets on my skin. I am soaking wet, but I can't feel anything.

My mind is occupied with thoughts of blue. I soon reach their home and call Ace, and he picks up on the first ring.

"Alex, what happ-?"

"Ace, I need you to take me to the café. I need to stop thinking. I need to let my emotions out. I am standing in front of your house," I inform and cut the call.

Not even ten seconds later, Ace comes out looking worried. He opens the lock on the car, and I sit in.

"Alex, what is wrong? Did that bastard do something?" He questions as he gets in.

"I want to fight Ace. I want to forget everything," He nods and starts driving towards the café. Usually, we don't go on Sundays since we have school the next day, but I don't care. I want to fight.

We soon reach the arena, and I wear my mask and enter the back room. The cheers and the hollering put my mind at ease. The announcer recognizes my mask and announces my arrival.


"What are you doing here?" Asher questions. Ace fills him in as I look around for anyone willing to fight me.

"Looks like we have a challenger," The announcer announces, and a bulky-looking guy enters the ring. He doesn't look like a threat at all. I can easily win. But I am here to let my emotions run loose. I just need to fight. I warm up a little before entering the ring.

"What? I am fighting a girl?" He starts laughing loudly. I was already irritated, and I am furious now.

"Oh no," I hear Ace's voice clearly since the crowd is silent. They know what is about to come.

"I am easily going to win," He smirks. I rotate my neck and feel satisfied when I hear a crack. I also crack my knuckles and give him a menacing smile.

"First time?" I question with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I will win," He states proudly, and I laugh.

"I am going to teach you to never underestimate a girl," I say, jumping to loosen my arms and legs.


He doesn't waste a moment and throws a punch at me. I easily evade it. Before he could blink, I throw a punch at him. He falls and holds his now bleeding nose.

"The 'girl' just broke your nose. How do you feel?" I question him pretending to hold a mic to his mouth. The crowd erupts into laughter. He snarls and gets up.

He throws his one leg forward in hopes of making me fall. But I leap into the air to avoid his legs. It is the most common move someone uses when they are already on the floor.

I let him get up since I want to fight more. This guy is entertaining. This time he is careful and takes a step backwards, and I roll my eyes. I take a step forward and kick his stomach with my knee. Just like I predicted, he dodges it. It was a decoy, after all.

I sweetly smile at him and use the same leg to deliver a kick to his head, successfully knocking him out. I didn't think he would get knocked out by a single kick. The crowd cheers and I step down from the ring and meet a grinning Ace.

"I thought you were a gone case," He chuckles.

"He was not that strong,"

"Are you kidding? You would have died if he decided to sit on you. Did you see his size?" I chuckle at his words and gulp down a bottle of water.

"Another match?" The announcer questions and I shake my head. My body is full of adrenaline now. Once it dies down, I will know what happened to my bruised back.

"I will drop you home. We have school tomorrow," I nod, and we both exit the gym after saying goodbye to Asher.

I feel a lot better now. But I am sure I will cry once I go home and lay down on my bed.


Hey guys. Another chapter. How was the fight scene? I am sorry if it is not upto your expectations. I am still new to this whole concept. Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.


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