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"Mother!" A strained voice called desperate to stop the woman in her tracks.

"Mother!" She called again, "Where are they taking you?"

Sibyl was panicked as she caught sight of the group of guards escorting her mother heading her way.

She had not seen her mother since the strong woman had stabbed her brother and they were rushed out of court. Sibyl had been in a frenzy never witnessing death or even someone being physically harmed to that extent before.

It does a lot to a person who has never experienced something like that first hand. It had taken a toll on her mind completely shaking her up.

Sibyl both wanted and needed to be comforted by her mother, the one person that she trusted the most.

"Mother!" Sibyl called again.

"It's alright Sibyl." The Countess turned back giving her a sad smile.

"What is happening?" Sibyl scrunched her brows together in worry.

"They are taking me to a far-away place..." The Countess began to walk again, "You will not be seeing me for hopefully a long time."

Sibyl did not understand her mother's words. The tone of her voice made her worried.

"Do not worry Mother, I will search for you no matter what it takes, but first I will get revenge." Sibyl seethed out the last words.

"No." The Countess halted again, "Do not seek revenge nor search for me. You will get hurt in the process. Trust me child, it is not worth it."

"But -"

"Promise me Sibyl. Promise me that you will not do either of those things."

"I cannot -" Sibyl swallowed her words when she met her mother's firm gaze, "I... I promise."

A lone tear ran down Sibyl's cheek.

The Countess Alvore watches her daughter, her heart slowly breaking. All she wanted to do in that moment was wrap her arms around her and comfort her dear daughter one last time but the annoyed looks from the guards prevented her from staying a moment longer as the prodded her on.

"I love you so much and do not want to see you get hurt. Make sure to take care of yourself," The Countess glanced back, "Goodbye Sibyl."

Something about her words and departing figure completely broke Sibyl. She knew that deep in her heart this would be the last time she ever saw her mother.

Her eyes strained on her mother not daring to even blink before the woman completely vanished out of sight. Sibyl's eyes began to water as she allowed herself to fall to the ground against the strong metal bars.

Her tears began to flow down her rosy cheeks and onto the cold stone floor.

Goodbye mother.

Sibyl allowed herself to completely succumb to her tears. This was the first time she had ever experienced such pain and it hurt so much.

Sibyl's weeping was silenced by the large crowds gathering nearby in the market square.

A public execution was about to take place and it was a noble no less. Just the thought of it was madness.

It was incredibly rare if not unheard of for a noble to be face an execution of such manner. The noble must have done something truly vile for his Majesty, King Aleric, to order such a thing.

The chatter was silenced as the man himself made his entrance with his royal guards, the crowd parting ways for him and his cousin Louis. They bowed in respect as their ruler brushed by making his way to the temporary podium at the back.

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