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One would think that the past few days would have been peaceful for Erica, but they had been the complete opposite.

The day that she had sung for the beautiful Duchess of Waisend and her lovely children had started off well until she had met the Duke.

The man himself had done nothing wrong, but the words he had so casually spoken to his Duchess had startled Erica to the core.

A single sentence and the girl had paled.

"The Count Alvore has finally left, now you can introduce me to our lovely guest."

Erica's gaze reflexively shot out the window, she could see the carriage moving towards the gate with an all too familiar crest engraved on the side.

Her heart nearly stopped as fear overwhelmed her.

Not wanting to cause a scene, she greeted the Duke and then apologised before politely excusing herself.

The Duchess wanted to stop the poor girl worried about what had startled her, but was unable to as Erica was gone in a heartbeat. 

She had been unknowingly shaking as she rushed off. 

Unfortunately for Erica, the Waisend estate was rather large and with her not concentrating, she quickly found herself lost within the walls. 

When she eventually managed to calm herself with comforting breaths, she was finally able to observe her surroundings. 

It was a quiet area with an exceptional view of the back garden and the town below.

A beautiful white gazebo draped in long white curtains lay in the centre of the garden which tempted Erica to make her way to it.

There was a warm salty breeze causing the curtains to dance enchantingly.

Sunlight trickle in softly through the gaps brightening the area considerably. 

It was peaceful.

"So, this is where you ran off to?" The Duchess approached the dazed girl unintentionally startling her.

"Oh um..." Erica was at a loss for words and blushed shyly.

"It's quite alright. " She smiled before casting her gaze to the gazebo, " You know this is one of my favourite places. I often come here to clear my head."

"I'm sorry." Erica fidgeted with her fingers not knowing what to do.

The Duchess sighed before smiling again, "You have done nothing wrong, there is obviously something bothering you. I came out here to see if you are okay." 

"You aren't going to ask why?" Erica seemed slightly perplexed not expecting this from the Duchess.

"If you want to tell me, you are more than welcome to, but I am currently more concerned about your wellbeing." The Duchess placed a warm comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft but was laced with sincerity. 

Being comforted felt strange to Erica. It was a feeling that she was unfamiliar with. 

"I am okay." Erica tried to give a reassuring smile.

"It is okay not to be okay you know." The Duchess spoke gently, "I know you are not okay." 

Erica felt a strong wave of emotion wash over her and consume her senses. In that very moment she felt incredibly vulnerable. She knew that if she were to say anything, she would not be able to, she would just burst into tears.

It was if the Duchess knew this for the very next moment, she wrapped her arms around the girl and pulled her into a comforting embrace. 

That was all it took for Erica to let go and cry. She let it all out in her soft tears up against the Duchess's shoulder and the Duchess never once loosened her grip until she was certain Erica was ready for her to.

From the moment the Duchess of Waisend had seen Erica pale, a strong motherly instinct washed over her. She wanted to protect her, to sooth her and to comfort her from all her worries.

Even though she had not known Erica for long, the Duchess really liked the girl, and she was more inclined to this when she noticed her son, who did not really take to new people, take a complete liking to her.

Erica was a good person. That much was obvious. 

She had a very gentle nature and soft presence, but there was something else. From the moment the Duchess had laid her eyes on her, she could feel it. Erica was a very troubled person, and she was silently suffering. 

When Erica eventually pulled away, her tears had long dried. She felt embarrassed at the wet mark that now stained the Duchess's beautiful dress.

"Feeling better?" The Duchess asked still concerned.

Erica could only shyly nod.

"I once read that sometimes everyone just needs to let all those tears out, it is like we are cleansing our eyes to see life with a clearer view again." The Duchess thoughtfully smiled.

Erica could not help but smile too. She was truly grateful to the Duchess but was still embarrassed that she had cried like a baby in front of such a powerful woman.

"Come now, let us go and have some chocolate cake. Cake always makes me feel better." The Duchess laughed and gently grabbed Erica's hand pulling the shy girl after her.

The Duke watched his wife and her weird antics with a warm smile through the window. Seeing her react like she had done for someone she had just met made him happy. In a way he felt relieved. 

When he had first brought his Duchess to the Waisend estate here in the Port Town of Canterbre, he was worried that she may become lonely since she was so far from her friends and family. 

She had always insisted that she was fine, quite happy to stay at her husband's side, but he always knew. He had tried introducing her to others, but his wife was very stubborn and would almost always find reasons to dislike them.

Seeing her now fretting over Erica, meant that she had accepted the girl which in turn meant he indirectly accepted Erica as well.

The Duke looked down at the invitation in to the Trencent ball in thought. 

He still needed to tell his wife. He knew that she would be upset as she has convinced herself that she does not fit in with that side of society. She always states how uncomfortable she is around the snotty aristocrats.

Unfortunately, the Waisend's had to attend, and he could not attend alone. He needed his wife with him in order to maintain their powerful reputation and prevent nasty rumours from spreading. 

He was conflicted. He had a duty as a Duke to maintain, but he did not want his wife to be miserable and uncomfortable. 

Looking out the window again, he watched the girl next to his wife. 

The way she carried herself was clearly that of an upper-class lady. She was clearly a noble or closely related to one. 

He became slightly suspicious of her thinking that she may be using his wife to get to him, to gain something from the Waisend Duchy. He would have to keep an eye on her, but for now she seemed alright.

A sudden idea struck him. 

He would have to speak with his Duchess. She may be more willing and less unhappy to attend the Trencent ball in the capital if they were to extend their invitation to Erica. 

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