14. heaven knows im miserable now

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8:34 AM

ME: I'm so sorry
ME: Can we please talk?
ME: Please
ME: Can you answer me?



Kyle let out a guttural sound of frustration, before hastily shoving his phone back into his pocket.

He didn't even know why he still bothered on checking for a response. Time after time it'd only proven to be useless.

He instead focused on walking deeper into the school. He could recognise many faces as they blurred past him. Well, except for the one that he actually wanted to see.


You were ignoring Kyle. That was a fact, and every time he glanced over to your seat in math, so the two of you could exchange a concerned look whenever Mrs Greenwood would say something crazy in her thick accent only to find your chair empty, or when he would grab an extra serving of fries at break because he knew that you enjoyed eating his only to realise that you weren't even at school, is he reminded of that fact.

But God, did he miss you. Kyle missed you so much. And as pathetic as it was he just couldn't stop thinking about you. You ran circles in his mind like you were doing a marathon.

Well, you were certainly running, alright. Away from Kyle after kissing him!

He should have never kissed you, is what Kyle kept telling himself. He had completely misread the signals.

You were friendly with everybody! That's just the type of person that you were. He should have known not to read anything more into it.

But he didn't. And now, he was going to lose you; the one girl that made his day slightly brighter everyday.

All because he couldn't keep to himself for more than seven minutes in a closet. Well, that was the point of the game.

Kyle held in a sigh as his thoughts were-once again-circling back to you. It was hard for them not to, because not only was his own brain not on his side, but from the moment he steps into school, it's like the entire student body was whispering in his direction.

And why wouldn't they be? Kyle had practically gone through the high school equivalent of being left at the altar.

"Uh, dude?"

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