Chapter 32

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Harry fell down tired and exhausted.
Madame pomfrey quickly fed them medicine and healed their cuts.
After several minutes the boys woke up.
"What happened?" Draco asked.
"Ur dad- h-he beat us a-and hurt us." Harry stammered, "don't u remember?"
"I remember now..." he said softly.
The two boys sat there consolidating themselves.
"You two should get on the train," mcgonnogall said calmly.

The two boys finally made it to the train and went there separate ways. Harry with Ron and Hermione, Draco with Pansy and Blaise.

With Draco, Pansy and Blaise:
"Draco where we're u?" Blaise asked, noticing the cuts and bruises.
"My dad, my stupid dad" he whispered as he fell down exasperated hitting his head on Pansys lap.
"U poor thing" she whispered as she stroked his hair.

Draco soon fell asleep.
Pansy and Blaise talked for most of the journey, until they fell asleep.

With Harry, Ron and Hermione:
Hermione and Ron were bickering over where Harry must be.
"Calm down he's right there" Ron started trailing off.
The door open and Harry slowly walked in.
"Omg! Harry! What happened?!" Hermione asked panicked as Harry fell onto a seat and nestled next to Hermione.
"Lucius... tired.... Beat" he stammered out.
He soon fell asleep, his snores quiet as a mouse.
"What does that mean?" Ron asked.
"I think Lucius came and beat them and he's tired? Idk why are you asking me?" She asked puzzled.

Eventually Harry woke up, rubbing his eyes.
"Mate u alright?" Ron asked.
"Bit better" Harry said.
"What happened?" Ron asked calmly.
"Lucius he ran after me and draco and then he beat us up and somehow managed to get to mcgonnogal."
He explained.
"Speaking about Draco, should you go check on him?" Hermione asked.
"Good thinking" Harry said as he got up shaking and left quickly.
"Is it me or is Harry changing?" Hermione asked Ron.

With Harry:
Harry eventually found Draco, Pansy and Blaise.
"Hi" he said.
"Hey" they all replied in sync.
Draco was awake but barely.
Harry knelt down next to him, "you alright now?" He asked as he kissed his head.
"Yh" Draco replied.
"Hey what happened?" Blaise asked.
"Lucius." Draco and Harry said in sync.
"Yeah but what did he do?" Pansy asked.
"He chased us and then beat us and well yknow" Harry said shaking.
Pansy cuddled Draco into her more.

"We're getting off soon, I'll see you guys at the platform" Harry said as he got up and left smiling.
Draco suddenly shot up.
"Harry" he shouted to him.
"Yeah" Harry said.
"Come with me" Draco replied as he lead him to a bathroom.
"I need you, so bad" Draco whispered in his ear.
"Same" Harry replied as their lips crashed.
"I fucking love u" Draco whispered.
"I love u two" Harry moaned back.

They both did some spicy things that do not need to be said currently*

The two boys left the bathroom 15 mins later.
"Love u" Harry said as he kissed him and ruffled his hair.
"Love u two" Draco said as they separated.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting been busy and off school lately.
Love u all <3

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