Chapter 22

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The days flew past draco in a blur. Time was a strange concept to him. But for now, he felt happy, happy that his father wasn't here and that he had some peace and quiet for once.
Narcissa was trying to find a job; one that would keep things quiet for her.
She eventually got a job at a clothing store and she earnt money in muggle currency but changed it at gringotts.
Life was going great for the blacks. It seemed that mysterious deaths, which were from deatheaters, had died down a lot and while Narcissa worked draco and sirius had each other for company.

After a few weeks dracos recovery was going swimmingly and he started school again. It was the middle of a term so draco had a lot of catching up to do though.
When he arrived and walked through the large doors to hogwarts he was greeted with large hugs from Pansy and Blaise and they both led him to his dorm room and helped him unpack.

Afterwards they went down to the great hall for lunch and some light revision together. Draco wasn't eating much but Pansy and Blaise could see he was happy and didn't want to ruin his mood and so they didn't mention anything.
Later on that evening they were all in the common room sharing some sweets they had gotten when draco said he was tired and was going to bed.
"Okay draco tell us if u need anything, we will check in on u in a bit," Pansy said looking out for him.
Draco went to his room and went to the bathroom to get changed and saw himself in the mirror. Scars littered his body, his skin was too pale, his ribs sticking out showing him how skinny he was, and the dark mark littered on his right wrist. He felt ashamed.
Ashamed that he had the mark.
Ashamed of what he had done.
Ashamed of his family and past.
He began crying hysterically and trying to wash off the tattoo off his skin but nothing happened.
He cried more and more until he saw something gleaming in the reflection and turned around.
There was a sharp nail in the bathtub, it must have fallen off of somewhere. He grabbed it and ferociously cut into his skin like it was paper. He dug deeper and deeper all over his wrists, his arms and his thighs. He wanted to be rid of himself desperately and crawled in the corner of the room as tears poured down his face silently.
He didn't know what to do.
He wanted pain.
No, he needed pain.

So he bashed his head on the wall, slashed at his skin, pinched and beat himself till he bled, cut himself so that he could finally feel something and not be so numb all the time.

He got changed quickly, and collapsed on his bed and cried himself to sleep.
When he woke up light was pouring in through his window and he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.
"Draco? Draco, you need to wake up hun," he heard pansys soft voice next to him.
"Oh ffs hes not waking up, we're doing my plan," Blaise said as he left the room.
He yawned a little and suddenly it sounded like a horn was blaring down his ear.
"AAHHH JESUS WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Draco practically screeched at his friends as they all burst in laughter.
"We let u sleep in but here's some toast and jam ur favourite, eat and get dressed we have class in 20," Blaise said as he left the room grinning.
Pansy was laughing at him as she got up and threw the covers off draco saying, "get up," and left the room as well.
Draco groaned but got dressed slowly and nibbled on half his toast.

When they all arrived to their lesson they were in a laughing fit abt how Blaise had asked if people who camp have seggs at any point.

After their lessons they went to the great hall and had soup and bread. Draco didn't have much but a little.
Nothing could go wrong right?
I mean they were at hogwarts they were safe, or were they?

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now