Chapter 4

325 4 6

Touya: @Shoto @Shoto

Shoto: WHAT

The other 3 siblings: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BRO

Shotos: Shit forgot that was today, well time to go jump off a roof or bother one of my boyfriends until they accidentally tell me to die (lol not me projecting onto todoroki)

Touya: I- should we be concerned as to what exactly happens in your relationship?

Shoto: Nah they've never said it but probally will soon, because I'm annoying asf :)

Natsuo: Shoto no!

Fuyumi: What is wrong with you

Shoto: You do know the physical and mental torture me and Touya were put through right?

Fuyumi: Sighhh why do I even try with you anymore

Shoto: Idk why do y'all insist on keeping me alive

Touya: I swear if someone ever wrote a book about you it would be called "Shoto being a depressed little shit"

Shoto: Damm long title, but anywayssssss bouta go bother my boyfriends byeeee

System: Daddy Issues went offline

Fuyumi: I- let's all just go offline and hope Shoto doesn't do something stupid or irrational

Natsuo: Fuyumi it's Shoto, he's definitely gonna do something stupid and irrational but whatever

Touya: ^ but cya going offline

System: Burnt bitch went offline

Fuyumi: whatever

System: only sane person went offline

Natsuo: Well now it's boring

System: Dr. Ice went offline

216 words

Okkkkk I know I got it out a day late but in my defence school sucks and they give to much homework, but anyways that's all byeeee

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