Chapter one

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One night at the dorms shoto was in bed relaxing on his phone before going to bed when he heard a knock on his window, he goes over only to see that somehow the villain Dabi had got in and was at his window?! Hesitating Shoto opened the window "How did you get in here Dabi" Todoroki said in a cold tone "Portal, anyways I need your help" Dabi said in a both calm and annoyed tone "Why would I help you, your a villian" Todoroki said with a raised brow "True but what if I said that touya todoroki is not dead and is me" Dabi said expecting a shocked reaction from the younger of the two "Finally you admitted to being touya I was wondering when you would admit it" he deadpanned "I-YOU KNEW!?!?!" Dabi shouted shocked "Shut up unless you want to get caught, and yes I knew it was obvious" shoto says with a bit of attitude "dang when did you get emotionless and rude" "probably when you faked your death, anyways give me your number I'm adding you to the sibling group chat with me yumi and natsuo" "I know I don't have a opinion so fine here"

Shoto adds Dabi to the gc and then Dabi and shoto talk for a bit until shoto hears someone that's most likely aizawa coming to do dorm check so shoto pushes Dabi into the closet and after aizawa leaves makes Dabi leave so they don't get caught

Anyways very small chapter cuz I'm lazy today, actual chatfic will start next chapter

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