TPC - 39

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CELA'S POV - 2 weeks later...

'Just close your eyes mama' Mar said, as he led me outside.

'You know I don't like surprises, what even is it?' I asked him, as I heard the front door open, so I knew we were outside. 'Can I look now?' I asked him, impatiently, I just wanted to know what it was.

'Open your eyes baby' he said and I opened them, and was amazed by what I saw in front of my eyes.

'Oh my gosh baby, I love it' I shouted, and ran to him and kissed him on the cheek.

'Oh my gosh baby, I love it' I shouted, and ran to him and kissed him on the cheek

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'It's beautiful' I said, and kissed him again. 'When? How? Why?' I spluttered out.

'You know your cars busted, and I ain't want you riding in that death trap' he said smoothly and I smiled at him, and kissed him.

'Thank you so much baby' I said, through glossy eyes.

'You know I got you mama, always' he said, and I looked in my car, and it was so beautiful inside and out. 'Baby, come in here' i shouted for him as I got into the backseat. 'Come lay wit me' I said, and he got in, and we cuddled into each other.

'I'm so in love with you ma' he said, and I looked up at him and smiled. 'Everything about you' he said, and kissed me tongue first and I smiled.

'Where's this coming from baby?' I said smiling at him and he shrugged.

'I just wanted to tell you, since I don't think I tell you enough' he said and I ran my hand down his face, smiling at him. 'You wanna move in with me permanently? I mean your clothes basically all here'

'I already thought I was' I joked. 'But yeah, I love the idea, I just need to let my mama know, I'm sure she won't mind' I said seriously, and I cuddled up back into him, and he wrapped his arm round me, and rubbed it down.

2 hours later...

Me and Mar drove to my mamas house in my new car cause we wanted to show it to her, and tell her the news. We parked in the driveway outside and got out and I unlocked the front door with my key.

'Mama? Are you here?' I shouted and Imani came out of the front room smiling. 'Hey girl, how are you?' I gave her a hug.

'I'm good sissy, who's car is that out front?' She asked and I just smiled. 'That joint is nice girl, damn' she said giving me another hug.

'Thanks, where's mama?' I asked, and mama came downstairs in her robe and bonnet on.

'My baby! How are you?' My mama said giving me a hug. 'Hey son' she looked behind me at Mar.

'Hey Ms Shirley' Mar came in front of me, and gave mama a hug.

'Hi Mar' Imani said awkwardly and he gave her a nod.

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