TPC - 38

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Imani's POV...

Me and mama got home, took off our shoes and set our stuff down. I washed my hands and sat down on the couch to eat my food. I know it's bad to eat late at night, but shidd, imma do it anyways. 'Make sure you heat that up Imani, before you hurt your damn stomach' mama schooled me and I nodded. I got up and walked into the kitchen to heat up my Wingstop, before walking back into the front room and getting ready to eat.

'You want some of this mama?' I asked her and she shook her head no.

'I'm gonna go check on your sister' she said and I nodded, before putting a lemon pepper wing in my mouth.

2 minutes later...

'IMANI CALL AN AMBULANCE! NOW' Mama shouted from upstairs and I grabbed my phone before running upstairs.

'What's wrong mama?' I said, as I rang up 911 and waited for a response.

'It's your sister. She's not breathing, she's ice cold, she's not waking up' my mama said, as she shook Cela continuously and got no response.

The ambulance said they were going to be 5 minutes. We positioned Cela in the recovery position, and she still wasn't waking up. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I knew she was going to be alright, I mean, after everything life throws at my sister, most that were thrown by me, she continued to be strong, and that was admirable.

I was going to be strong for mama, I had to be.

5 minutes later...

The ambulance got to the house, and I let them in. They ran upstairs to Cela's room and my mama was laying over her, just praying for her to be okay. I don't think she could handle losing another child. My brothers death damn near broke her.

The doctors tried pumping on her chest numerous amounts of times, but nothing was working. It was like, everything they tried wasn't working. They shook their heads at each other, and got up with sorry looks on their faces.

'I'm sorry, we tried everything we could' the female nurse said and my mama shook her head and wiped away her tears.

'No you didn't! Take her to the hospital, give her something. Do something!' My mama shouted, starting to cry and hyperventilate.

I felt sick to my stomach.

'What are you saying to me right now?' Mama asked her and the nurse gave her a sympathetic look before clearing her throat.

'Your daughter is dead ma'am' the nurse said, and my mama fell to the floor screaming and crying.

'My baby, my baby is gone' my mama cried, and I shook my head, and looked up to the ceiling  to stop my tears from rolling down, but of course, they fell anyways.

The ambulance carried Cela's body away, and I just broke down crying, and so did my mama all over again. It didn't even feel real. I felt so at fault, and broken. I hated the fact that she died, and my stupid pride got in the way of me apologising properly, and even having a second chance at a relationship with my sister. I wish I would've told her that the whole thing with Tariq was the worst time of my life, and I wanted nothing more than to tell her that. I wish I told her that I loved her, and showed it. I wish I could get my sister back.

I woke up suddenly, gasping for air, drenched in my sweat and breathing all heavy. 'Imani, what's wrong?' Mama shouted from her room, and I shook my head.

'Nothing mama, go back to sleep' I shouted. I checked my phone and saw that the time was 10:15pm and I took a deep breath. I knew Cela would've been awake, so I called her.

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