Day 2 - Morning (Closed)

40 1 136

Ah, what a wonderful morning! Get some breakfast and hang around with your friends before class. I want you taking care of yourself.

Gryffindor table:

Hufflepuff table:

Ravenclaw table:

Slytherin table:




3rd floor bathroom (girls):


Astronomy Tower:

Hospital Wing:

Headmaster's office:

Black lake:

Forbidden Forest:

Room of Requirement:

Gryffindor Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Hufflepuff Cellar

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Ravenclaw Tower

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

Slytherin Dungeons

Common Room:

Boys 1:

Boys 2:

Girls 1:

Girls 2:

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