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Chapter 45

    At the end of February after the new year, Jiang Hui's father, Jiang Jingdong, quietly returned to the door of the house with a luggage bag in the middle of the night.

    He patted on the door lightly, calling softly: "Ah Xiang, A Xiang, open the door quickly, I'm back..." But

    he patted on the door for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

    He felt something was wrong, looked down at the lock, and the door was locked!

    Is there no one at home? Ah Xiang, where did they go?

    A flash of panic flashed in Jiang Jingdong's heart.

    He knew in his heart that he was not a good husband, nor a good father.

    But he has always been very determined in his heart, no matter where he goes, as long as he returns to this home, he will still be the pillar in the hearts of his wife and daughter.

    But now, the door of the house is locked, and he has no idea where his wife and two daughters have gone. Jiang Jingdong instantly felt that his mysterious self-confidence had collapsed, and he was panicked.

    Jiang Jingdong was away from home, and he didn't bring his house key. He had no choice but to go to the old house and knocked on the door of his parents' house, "Dad, Mom, open the door..."

    Jiang Jingdong called several times, and stayed Mr. Jiang, who was in the room next to the gate, heard the sound and came out to open the door for him.

    As soon as he saw this disappointing eldest son, Mr. Jiang became furious, "You still know how to come back? You have been silent for half a year, so why don't you just die outside?"

    Jiang Jingdong saw his old man Getting angry, and knowing that he was wronged, he didn't dare to say anything, but walked into the house with his head buried.

    He put down his luggage bag, poured a glass of water from the teapot, and drank it "gulu gulu".

    After drinking the water and putting down the cup, Jiang Jingdong asked Mr. Jiang, "Dad, where did Axiang and Huihui go? Do you know?"

    Mr. Jiang looked at him with a look of resentment, "Tell me how you became a husband and father? You don't even know where your wife and daughter have gone. Do you still want to live?"

    Jiang Jingdong has always been in awe of the old man. , was scolded and did not dare to speak back, just hung his head and did not speak.

    Mr. Jiang became angry when he saw his appearance, and asked him again with a dark face, "I ask you, during the Chinese New Year, a group of people came to collect debts, saying that you owed them thousands of dollars, what on earth did you do?" What?"

    Jiang Jingdong couldn't even raise his head when he mentioned this matter.

    He replied with a bitter face: "Dad, I was also tricked by them. They lied to me that I could make a lot of money by doing paper business, and that I could earn thousands of dollars by pulling a load of goods back and selling them. I borrowed 2,000 yuan and gave it to them."

    "How do you know, when they came back from pulling the goods, they said that it was raining and the whole cart of paper was wet and rotten. Not only did I not make any money, but I also lost the principal When I got it back, I still owe them two thousand yuan..."

    Mr. Jiang asked him in a deep voice, "Then did you see the broken car?"

    Jiang Jingdong shook his head, "No, they were responsible for the delivery , They said that there was an accident on the road..."

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