Chapter 16

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Drews POV:

I skipped out on my run this morning because I was still a little shaken over the van following me yesterday. I'd get a little workout in after dance practice. I decided to tell Carli about what happened on the way to school.

"Okay but why didn't you just tell Olivia about the van?" Carli asked.

"I didn't want to stress her out." I shrugged.

"Oh I think you want to stress her out" she winked and I slapped her arm and continued driving.

"You know what I mean bitch. She's got enough on her plate. She doesn't need to add worrying about me to the list."

"I think your mommy issues are showing." She said as we pulled into school.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You have a hard time letting others worry or even take care of you."

I thought about this for a moment. I did have a hard time asking for help. I also am the one to take care of others but I don't allow others to even know if I have a problem.

"Why are being so real this morning. Where's the sarcastic Carl we all know and love?" I said trying to change the subject so my day isn't ruined by me overthinking.

"I'm just stating an observation Ugly. I'm always watching Mike Wazowski."

"A monsters inc reference? It's 7 AM."

"If I think it I say it." Carli said.

"That's generally how speech works." I laughed and got out of my car.

We walked into the school and ran straight into Courtney. She looked at Carli with a crazy look in her eyes.

"We need to talk." She stated.

Before Carli could respond I jokingly said "sure, what'd you want to talk about?"

Courtney's eyes jumped to mine and flared at me. Whoops.

Carli grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the girls restroom. Poor Carl.

I spotted Dani a little ways down the hall. I walked up to him.

"Hi Anne. Long time no see."

"Yeah. Are you avoiding me?"

"No, no, yesterday was weird. I'll fill you in."

We walked together towards my first class as I told him about what happened on Sunday and Monday.

"Jesus. You know I have a phone right? I'd like to be kept up on the drama as it happens next time." He said.

"Fine fine. I'm sorry. How was the rest of your weekend?"

"Fought with my dad about football as usual. Stubbed my toe on my bed. Watched tik tok for like 8 hours. Masturbated like 4 times. Went to the movies with roger....." he answered.

"Gross...... and what!? A movie date?" I said as we stopped at my classroom.

"Yes whore. Keep your voice down." He said and looked around frantically. "I'll fill you in at lunch."

I squeezed and hugged him. "Yes you will! I have a phone you know." I said sarcastically.

He laughed then shoved me towards my classroom and walked away.

Before I knew it the Dani, Carli and I were leaving biology for our lunch break.

"Did I tell you that a certain blonde woman was looking fine as hell this morning?" Carli said as we got to my car.

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