wait up for you

339 13 1

The sun ray beamed harshly onto my eyes. Before I could raise my hand to cover it someone hovered over me.

"Again?" Myra called out.

I sighed sitting myself up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. She sat down next to me handing me the Dunkin bag.

I smiled at her gesture. I looked up at her seems as if she wasn't getting any sleep either.

"You know you can't keep sleeping here. What are you gonna do when it gets colder outside."

I smacked on my breakfast wrap piece by piece.

"I just- it's just in case she comes back." I said looking up her house door.

She did the same, "Where Josh?"

"He's been distracting himself lately, I think he's planning on going to that upstate new York college." she muttered.

She wrapped herself up into a ball. I crushed the paper bag. And wrapped my arm around her. She placed her head on my shoulder, I could almost hear her start to choke up, and start crying.

"I just don't want him to leave me too, you know."

"He loves you too much to leave."

"No Sean, I don't think he does anymore."

"Don't say that, I kinda need you guys more than ever right now."

I also let my tears fall from my cheek, I don't know what I would do if they weren't together here with me. This past months has been difficult, but I've always had them by my side.

If I didn't have them, God know what would have happened to me by now. We both lifted our heads as we heard, a car drive up.

A car came into view, a the woman came out of it screaming. That's when I realized that wasn't just any woman that was Valerie's mother.

I watched as she slammed at the door, my body kinda stiffened as I saw her walking towards her porch.

"Lance how could you let something like this happen!" she said throwing her purse at him.

They both exchanged a few words and I decided to step in before it got physical. I got in front her mom holding my hands up to him.

"This doesn't concern you, son."

I shook my head at him in disgust, as Myra behind me consoled Valerie's mom.

"Don't call me that-"

"Sonya, she's not missing. It's normal for kids these days to runway."

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you!  It's been two fucking months, she hasn't called or anything! She's missing!"

"Oh give me a break-"

"Give you a break? You? You've done nothing since we told you about it!" I was tired of trying to keep my composure with him.

"So you knew she missing this whole time, and yet you chose not to do anything about it! " Sonya started to bawl even more.

Lance just stood there with his hands in his pocket, shrugging at us. This wasn't a father, this wasn't a someone who cared about his daughter.

There was no use to in talking to someone who doesn't care. If he cared he would have been doing something. Like we have.

Somehow Sonya got out of Myra's grasps slapping her ex husband in the face.

"You listen to me, I want her home. I want you to use every single dollar you have to find my daughter!"

Lance rubbed at his cheek, shaking his head at her outburst.

"As far as I'm concerned Sonya, she's your problem now. "

How could he just stand there and say that, how could he be so careless about her. Rage filled my veins, hatred filled my eyes. Before I could even prosper what I'd even done.

All I could remember was me being put into the back of a police car, again.

And the scared face of Myra and Valerie's mom. Maybe what I did was wrong. But didn't care. Lance deserved it.

- Valerie's p.o.v. -

It's only been two months and I'm already kinda seeing the change in my appetite, my behavior, along with a few other things I was too afraid to mention.

He's been treating me better, maybe it was because he noticed too. Either way I didn't like it, because it was getting me hot, and too flustered.

I hated him for it. I hated him for making me feel such things. I laid there thinking about how sick I felt. Thinking about the things I wanted him to do to me.

I squeezed at my legs, licking deviously at my lips. My sexual frustration was building up, and I'm sure he knew. That's why he'd been so distant.

I touched at my breast letting out a shivering sigh. The door flew open startling me, Dosse popped her head in. I quickly took my hands out of my shirt.

"Hey, you doing okay?" she says trying to muster up a smile.

I gave her a tight one, she walked over  showing off her bag of goodies.

"Look at what I got for you."

I crawled closer to the edge of the bed to see what she'd gotten for me. I was kinda glad but also unhappy to see the amount of snack that filled the bag.

"I figured maybe we can munch on these while we watched a movie or something." she said looking at me with a sweetest smile ever.

I shook my head at her, "I'll pass."

"Don't be like that, come on."

"Why don't we munch on this while you bring me home?" I said proudly watching her face turn into a frown.


"You're the only one who can help me, yet you don't. Does he really mean that much to you?"

She nodded, lifting herself from the bed.

"I'm guessing that's a no then."

She grabbed at the bag of food, shameful not looking up at me. I remembered that day at her club, where she literally treated Sean's friends like absolute crap.

But it's a different story now that her brother is doing it.

"You're just as bad as him, you know."

Dosse had clenched the bag with her hand, then threw it at me.

"You don't fucking know me nor what the hell I'm capable of. I'm so much worse than him." she angrily while keeping her jaw clenched.

I straighten my posture up on the bed looking up at her. She was lying to herself and she knew it. If only she could see what I see.

"Oh, so your also holding someone captive? You and I both know your better than that."

"How the fuck would you know?"

"I just do, Dosse."

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