without a goodbye

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How could someone so beautiful be so fucking dumb. Such a fucking idiotic. She was starting to get on my last nerves with her whining. I needed a break.

I went downstairs hearing her bang on the basement door. I didn't say anything. I just silently giggled to myself. It was her fault.

Maybe if she kept her fucking vomit to herself she wouldn't be in there. I looked at the time on my watch and grabbed my coat.

I needed a few things, plus I did promise Dosse I'd stop by. I got into the car, and drove off leaving her behind.

I parked my car down the street, it wasn't busy tonight mainly because Henry had something going on. I walked inside seeing Maxine at the bar.

"The usual?"

"Give me something stronger."

She raised her eyebrow and gave me a tight smile. Then pour me a drink out of a more fancier bottle.

I scrunched my face up at her, "What's that?"

"Well let's just say your father made a couple of changes to our menu."

Dosse came up from behind Max giving her a firm slap on her ass. Max looked away from me shyly.

"This doesn't seem like your type of scene Anthony?"

I swallowed down my liquor, taking a quick look around the club. It was just a bunch of old people. She right this really wasn't my scene.

"I just came for the free drinks."

"Well then I better start charging you." the hearty man with the hearty laughter said from behind me.

"Henry." I said rolling my eyes.

"Anthony why is it your always not happy to see me?" he says patting me on the shoulder.

Dosse smiled at the two of us and placed her elbows on the counter as she watched our interaction.

"Oh father I'm super jolly right now!" I sarcastically stated.

"He's being sarcastic." dosse smiled.

I rubbed the side of face with my middle finger making sure Dosse saw it.

"You need to come around more." Henry said as he took the bottle of wine Dosse had giving to him and went back to his money gambling friends.

"Yeah right." I muttered.

"You're so fucking mean to him, at least he's trying." Dosse says after she hit me on my hand.

I let out a small sigh and tapped on my cup, looking directly at max. She gave me the finger and went back to cleaning her cups.

"So you're not gonna stay in the city?" max says.

"Yeah you left us without a goodbye."

I shrugged and gave them a small smile. Dosse looked at max who looked back at her.

"You're officially on our asshole list." dosse says snatching away my glass cup.

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