The interrogation part 1

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POV : Tanya Degurechaff

The awakening was painful for the young girl who suffered from a horrible headache following the shock received behind the neck when she defended herself against the soldiers of the Marine.

It took her a few moments before she realized she was locked up and being held, prisoner.

Her vision slowly adjusted to the darkness of the room, Tanya blinked several times so she could study the small room.

She was sitting on a metal chair that was firmly nailed to the floor. Her arms were firmly held along her body with a metal chain. Her legs were also tied to the chair legs, preventing any movement.

The soldiers had made it impossible to use the mage blade because its arms were stuck along her body, its use would injure the girl very seriously.

The body reinforcement was also completely useless because, despite the few attempts, the chain which held the young girl in captivity showed no signs of weakness or wear.

Tanya: "But what is this damn chain made of? Let me out of here! Tanya ordered authoritatively.

Guard: Shut your trap damn pirate!

Tanya was surprised at the response. "Pirate? Do I look like a fucking pirate?" Answering the voice coming from the other side of the metal door." Let me out or I swear you go on my blacklist, right below Being Y!"

No answer came to her, only a great silence which was broken by the sound of waves crashing on the walls, as well as the characteristic creaking of ships made of wood, reached her ears.

"At first glance, it would appear that these soldiers captured me the moment I was knocked unconscious by the big guy in yellow and taken into custody in the hold of a ship. Regarding this man in yellow, I still don't understand how his spells work. This is the first time I see this type of movement. It was as if his body had turned into light before ending up behind my back."

What Tanya couldn't understand was how this man managed to get through her magic shield. It was as if the shield met no resistance when the latter landed a blow behind the back of the neck.

So many questions that remained unanswered for the moment. But one thing was sure, she was no longer on Empire territory, or even in the same world.

The workings of this world must be very different from what she experienced in these two previous lifetimes.

But no matter, her objective is, and will remain the same: to prove that human beings are perfectly capable of living on their own without any entity intervening and of being able to die a natural death to prove to those false gods that she was right.

"This Marine, it must be an institution in this country or at least a fairly large body. It might be wise to try to integrate its ranks. But I don't know the place it really occupies or even its ideology. Above all, I would not want to join a communist institution that would be completely draconian...."

After taking stock of her situation, Tanya concludes that it would be wise to lay low for now and try to get as much information about this world as possible.

As if to apply the substance of her thought, Tanya decided to act as a perfect prisoner: no complaint, not a word, and a straight face preventing any misinterpretation.

The trip wasn't as long as she imagined. Only a single day had passed since her incarceration and they had surely already arrived at their destination.

The rapid footsteps of the soldiers on the bridge as well as the sound of ink being thrown into the sea confirmed Tanya in this idea.

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